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Dogs...cats....other. What is your favorite pet and do you have a photo? Here’s Mr. Crabby Pants, but I love all my animals the same.

Vicki2018 6 May 20

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I'm a dog person for sure. Here's my Barney, he's an 11 year old cockapoo. Still pretty spunky at 11 though!

@Vicki2018 I had one in middle/high school and she was a really wonderful dog too. I inadvertently taught Barney to be very gentle with children. My kids were in daycare when he was a puppy and I’d bring him with to pick them up. He got used to be mauled by kids and hauled around the way kids carry puppies! Lol


If love to have a dog but can't make the commitment.
At one point I had nine dobermans.
Large fenced in property with woods and a pond, they had free roam of it.

Or locked a door


Guinea pig. They're not just for eating anymore. One thinks they are just rodents, but videos prove they are trainable & delightful creatures which contribute to great compost. I think of dogs & cats as more of family members. Pets don't live as long so the bond is terminated sooner. This is a personal definition.


My current best buddy for the past 14 months is MousieMan rescue rattie that lives free-roam in my bedroom and is the sweetest and most affectionate little companion. Prior to him, I had a Doggie Daughter who lived to be 18 years old. She passed away last year after being by my side from birth to death. I miss her everyday.

I once had a pet rat named Ratso Rizzo. Rats make for really great pocket pets.

@Countrywoman they are so clever...and so kind and affectionate. I can't imagine why more people don't have rattios instead of dogs/cats. Far easier to care for and far less costs....but same amount of cuddling and love <3 <3

I love this .. I love rats .. they are so intelligent and so affectionate , but with a female cat .. hat rat would be a goner.

@Countrywoman my daughter had a rat when she was a teenager. She was very sweet. Her name was Plague. We thought it was a bit harsh but funny, so she kept her name.

I absolutely love rats! Had them all during my childhood. My favorite was an Irish Black I named Adrian. He was so cute, black but with a white spot on his chin, his chest, and top of tail with bands of white around the end of each leg.


I'm a rabbit person. Here is my little love, Saffron. We also have a duck named Lucky.

Rabbit and a Duck .. how sweet !


My wonderful dog, Tess, my little cat, Opal, and my horses, Keely and Hobbit. I will give my daughter's horse Croi, honorable mention, because he was mine before he was hers. I wish I could get their pictures on here, but my phone refuses to load them.


He is a handsome hedgehog, and I love his hairdo! But shouldn't his name be "Mr. Crabby No Pants?"

Here is my three-year-old pound puppy Maggie gloating over her dominating victory over the hapless squeaker chicken.


Here's 3 of 4 doglets taken right now. Gave up trying to get no4. Left is puppy (the oldest) my wifes dog. Back is Trouble, also called princess prancy paws. She's my handbag terrier, now just got to get a handbag. Right is the newest addition Freda, or floof as my wife calls her. No4, Stumpy ran off.


Vicky, I am a bit embarrassed that I have to ask but is that a hedgehog?


Awrh, hedgie! He's adorable.

This is my cat. He's a weirdo.

Were you trying to take her TV tray away from her? ?

@MikeEC ? No, actually, he just laid down like that and I took a picture. Though now I think on it, he does love that stool. Enough to knock the fan off of it and stand on it himself. ?


Yes i have a labby


MOst adorable hedgehog ever!


Always had dogs in family, Boxer, Great Dane cross, Scotty Terrier cross?, Great Dane, minded Chow Chow, 2 Rhodesian Ridgebacks 12 yrs old each, now a cat from neighbours has adopted me after taking six months to get to know and trust me. Also have a thing for Hungarian Viszlas. After having to 'green needle' the two ridgebacks and the great dane, I feel like I don't have the courage to get another dog, despite 'ghosts' of last ridgeback reminding me. Strong, friendly and proud animal and best positive advertisement for anybody who is intimidated by large canines.

No animal is intimidating to me. I love animals and would have a zoo if I had unlimited funds. I adore big dogs .. if they are very big, I kneel in front and put my arms around their neck ...

If your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't either. Pretty true I think. I have heard people say cats will get on the lap of someone they don't like; can't testify to that as I don't know a lot about cats. Pretty generally, anyone who dislikes animals, should be viewed with suspicion.


Ha, he does look grumpy! Very cool pet though.

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