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Animals amaze me. Einstein.. the birdie..So smart. How can the parrot memorize and then understand the direction and then do it perfectly? Unbelievable vocal cord too. OMG.

AnandaKhan 6 May 21

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African Greys are highly intelligent, and can have conversations with humans, knowing what they are saying, although this one was obviously trained to perform this routine for treats.

I once bought a breeding pair of wild-caught African Greys, but they could mimic reality so well we quickly felt like we were under siege.

The day after we bought them, we heard the school bus arrive, heard the hiss of the air brakes, heard the neighbor kids shouting and yelling, heard the sounds of scurrying footsteps, the echo of feet running on our wooden deck (my kids were home schooled), then the banging of someone on the metal door.

Our toy fox terrier ran barking to the door, as well as my eight-year-old son, but to our shock, nobody was there.
Our faces went white. My son stared at me, but I didn't know what to think.

Soon we heard the squeal of power tools starting up on the deck, but my husband was no longer outside working on the new cage for the parrots, but had already gone back to work.

I thought maybe we were all going losing it..even the dog. I wondered if I should call for an exorcist.

Then I remembered an article I'd read in my Parrot World magazine where a woman complained that her African Grey kept scaring her in the middle of the night with the sounds of someone breaking into the house and ransacking it.

It soon got worse..we'd hear the kids yelling our names in the middle of the night, then hear them running past us down the hall, when they were asleep.
I'd be down at the mailbox by the road, and hear my husband's car drive past me within a few feet, crunching the gravel, and up the driveway, park, hear him get out and slam the door, walk across the deck, and call out to me at the door.
It seemed so real I almost hallucinated that I could see it.

We'd hear entire conversations repeated back to us in the middle of the night..including one where we clearly heard my son and his friend yucking it up and smoking out by the cellar, discussing the cigarettes, how to keep out of sight from mom, etc.

We eventually couldn't take it anymore and I sold them.

Wow. Thanks for sharing your experience with Parrot.

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