It's a relief now to openly love the music I prefer.
But when I was a young Christian mom, our church preached against the evil of pop music and of Michael Jackson's Thriller in particular, and my religious husband agreed.
I had adored Michael Jackson and his music since he was in the Jackson Five, but in deference to my husband, I tried to hide it.
I remember passing a store window with my husband, where the Thriller video was playing. I pretended not to notice it, but I kept sneaking glances at the video...I thought the zombie dance was the coolest thing I'd ever seen.
It was a nice surprise when I moved to Thailand in 2010 to find Michael Jackson almost worshipped here-his music played everywhere and Thai pop singers on Asian MTV copied his moves, costumes, and sound,
Thanks for sharing, birdingnut. Unfortunately many Christian churches in the evangelical movement have adopted this pseudo-Amish type approach to "the world" and all its evils. By keeping congregants and especially their children in little boxes the can keep the message they preach deep within the brain. I'm sorry that you didn't feel like you were allowed to enjoy life while you were under their spell. I hope you are free now.
I ditched both my husband and the church in 1995, so thanks!
Here you go.
Every Halloween in Lexington, KY, the university arts students group does a Thriller street dance down the middle of the street. It usually almost causes a riot as people struggle to get close enough to see. We'd even climb on each other's shoulders.