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Go vegan!

Michael64 7 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm not a vegan because I am a human being and nature made me an omnivore.


Does that include fish and eggs?

can handle that? cheese-eat a lot of dairy?


Exactly. Compassion begins with how we treat those that have no voice to protest THEIR oppression, slavery, and murder.


I did ear a mostly vegan vegetarian diet when I was recovering from leukemia. I fugred a nutrietn rich diet woudl help me recover better.

Now, my sister does most of the cooking as I am legally blind and see how to operate the digital controls on her stove. I eat what is prepared.


That's a lovely meme, I'm not Vegan but have some great Vegan recipes that I use regularly if anyone's interested?

@felix5 ok, will search and add them 😉

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