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Have you ever saved a life ?

Wildgreens 8 May 23

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I have twice cut prisoners down from homemade nooses in my career. I don't think either of them meant to get as close to dying as they did, but their attention seeking ploys got beyond their control and they couldn't get themselves free.

Beyond that, I realize this is sort of negative, but I have frequently refrained from using force in a situation where I could have, and that possibly spared a life or even more than one...


Yes, once. Stopped a guy from bleeding out after an accident by pinching the cut artery with my fingers until the paramedics arrived.


I let my kids live to grow up. Does that count?

Iffy Level 5 May 23, 2018

Lots of animals! Haven't had the opportunity to save a human life yet, but I've helped people in physical distress.


I didnt kill my ex, does that count ?

I don't think so but it does show that your smarter and stonger then you are impulsive. Kudos


I have been a lifeguard for 14 years, so yes. All were active drowning victims (they were bobbing, about to go under). I have also been teaching swim lessons for that long. I like to think I've prevented an untold number of drownings in that way too...

One of my hero's is Ronald Reagan he was a life guard on a river as a young man and also saved many. He also did pretty good In Politics I heard. Lol.
So your in good conpany


I was a nurse in a critical care labor and delivery, so was trained to recognize life threatening conditions and tell the resident what to do to save them, and get the perinatologist there in time. Then, I was a midwife for 20 years, so have saved Mom's and babies. I have also stood between abused women and their enraged abuser a few times. I don't know if I saved their lives, but I gave it my best shot.


I donate blood as often as possible.


I Heimliched my daughter in the grocery store when she was round 6 when she started choking on a jellybean or a glob of fruit chew or something. I noticed she was having an issue very quickly and the whole thing was over in seconds, so it never really felt like she was in jeopardy, but I suppose that would count as things could have gone south quickly.

My auntie saved me while I was choking on an orange. I was about 14.


In my technology based role working in social care, provided a new seizure related device that has probably saved a client's life a couple of times. Mum told me that she totally trusts the system used to support her daughter.


More than once and mine was saved more times than I would care to admit!

Their names have been changed for posterity, to protect the innocent, and their Identities!


When my little sister was maybe 6 or 7 she hadn't quite learned how to swim yet but decided to jump off the diving board into the deep end of the pool with an inner tube around her waist. Somehow she flipped upside down while in the air and landed head first into the water. Because the tube fit so snugly against her she could not escape. Luckily, I was on the other side of the pool and saw her legs sticking straight up out of the tube and flailing in the air while her head and upper body were trapped underwater. I swam over as fast as I could and flipped her over. I'll never forget the look of panic/relief on her face as she tried to catch her breath and cough out all the water she had swallowed. I was maybe 13 or 14 at the time so didn't realize how serious this could have been until we were both older and had a chance to reminisce about it.


My ex once OD on a cocktail of sleeping pills, benzos and drinking. She wasn't breathing when I got her to ER. I also use to have a peer support group on Pal Talk for 14 years. I would like to think I helped save a few lives of suicidal folks. If not at least gave the compassion they couldn't find in their life's in times they needed it.


Yes, a few. Including my own.
Also spared a couple - they had no idea.


Yes... long stories. Not pretty.


I'm a nurse originally so yes. I save two in one month. One was my ex-hubby..oh if I had my time over 😉


At least 3, 2 strangers & my MIL


I spent eight years as a night-shift therapist in a mental institute for teens. I won't say that I'm responsible for saving anyone's life, but I've spent several nights talking kids through severe depressive episodes, physically stopped them from wrapping things around their necks or otherwise self-harming (and received minor injuries in the process a few times), and otherwise just tried to give helpful advice or encouragement when needed - I've been someone who cared when nobody else seemed to.

These days, I work a much less stressful job (and weirdly higher-paying) in a microbiology lab where I test meat samples for contamination by pathogens before they're sent to grocery stores. So, again, I won't say that I'm responsible for saving anyone's life, but I think I probably prevented a few people from getting sick.

Nothing glamorous or dramatic, sorry

Thank you for that.

Absolutely that counts. I've been in the same position with adults, mostly with mental health issues.


Yep. Used to work in an ER... that's kinda cheating, though. OH wait! Growing up I saved my little brother's life millions of times. Does that count?



I was a paramedic in Camden, NJ for 4 years. So yes. Many. Before that, I witnessed a kid choking on a butterscotch candy and did the Heimlich which saved him I believe.


Mentally I have helped many and changed some for the better. I have also been saved as we all can relate to.


Yes a few people I saved from choking, two times in a restaurant and I was just quickest to respond. I kept a lady from drowning on the river once.she out weighted me by 80 pounds or more but I got her to shore. I'm proud of all that..
We all may have saved many lives though, through kindness and compassion and never even realized it. So I try to be a good friend and Samaritan when I can. Because you never know how a little help may go a long way for a person In need.




Thousands in real life....(all animals from turtles that were injured on the road that I took to vets/wildlife rehabs to spiders that I relocated because someone was going to squash them if I didn't)....and hundreds of thousands of more lives by being Vegan and spreading Vegan education and information for the past two decades. I've had the privilege of helping + people go vegan and hopefully I inspired many more through my work. 🙂

You vegans will take any opportunity to ‘spread the word’, won’t you? We both know that this isn’t the point of the post. But you just can’t resist a little preaching, can you?

@KevinTwining It's not's standing up for those whose rights are being VIOLATED and who are being put to death despite having committed no crimes. Animals are innocent. Open your mind and your heart. Don't be specist.

@SkotlandSkye Whatever. I can’t bear proselytisers, and you are one. And your post WAS AND IS out of place and irrelevant to this thread.

@KevinTwining Just a reminder that you could have scrolled on by. Also, it is relevant. The person who POSTED the question is the FOUNDER of the Vegan/Vegetarian group on this website. Let that sink in. Also, saving an animal's life matters AS MUCH as saving a human's life whether you believe that or not.

@SkotlandSkye That’s weird. Religious folk and right wing politicians (and a lot of left wing ones) use the same kind of language as you. It’s almost as if you had seen the same kind of visions, had the same kind of thoughts. It’s quite authoritarian in its own way. Peace and love.

@SkotlandSkye Actually it doesn’t. Comparing an animal’s life with a human life betrays the lack of an effective moral compass.

@SkotlandSkye It matters not what the poster of the question does, did, or believes. The question did not address the issue you raised. Look at all the other comments - all those people got it, and I’d lay money that a lot of them are vegetarian or vegan. I know and am friends with quite a few of both. None of them do what you’re doing.

@KevinTwining Jesus Christ dude. Take a Valium. This is supposed to be fun

I am not a vegetarian, I never will be but I can appreciate your passion for a noble cause. All life matters and deserves to be respected and protected. That being said animals evolved to eat other animals and wothout that process we would not have the diversity of life we now enjoy.

@River-david This isn't the stone age...or bronze age. The arguments you give for the continued exploitation and murder of animals are the SAME arguments (illogical) that people use to argue for the belief in gawd and the continuation of's an "appeal to tradition" which is a logical fallacy. Just as humans have evolved past the tradition of slavery and paying for their brides (well, most cultures), there is no reason humans can't evolve past murdering animals. If you could live healthily (which you CAN)... WITHOUT participating in animal exploitation, cruelty, and death....why wouldn't you??? There is NO logical reason to continue destroying our planet and killing our fellow Earthlings.

@KevinTwining just a reminder....humans are animals. I'm sure that non human animals value their life as much as human animals do.

@Wisewoman3 I blocked Kevin hopefully he can no longer see this thread since it started as my comment. He's an day is already brighter without him in it. LOL

@SkotlandSkye ok well I didn't give any reasons why animals eat other animals except for evolution. And to protect all animals you must also protect the carnivores. Religion has nothing to do with it. Isn't a human carnivore as important as any other carnivore on the planet. I would have to say yes. That s not a apologetic point of view.
Furthermore eating plants is still killing a living thing. Plants want to live,be healthy and reproduce just as animals do,they give a part of them selves for the future of there own species. And when you eat a salad you are taking that away from them.
To me that's the exact same thing. It's just a matter of where one draws the line. As long as you eat what you kill ,and do not kill young animals there is nothing anymore wrong with it than killing a plant for the same purpose.
As for my reasons to eat other animals , I believe it keeps me healthy, it's what my body asks of me. I don't want to be judged for such a natural action.
Also your body is yours,I imagine when it tells you to sleep you sleep,when it tells you to run you run. Understand that some of us have bodies that cry out for orher animals to eat just as yours must cry out for nourishment. It's not murder.
All that aside I do believe that nothing should be killed for no reason but dying so something else can live is a part of evolution and that should be realized by all. Respectfully

@River-david you can say it's not murder....but it is. Changing the terminology doesn't make it any less murder. If it were "natural", you would hunt down animals with your nails/claws and teeth and eat the flesh raw. There is nothing natural OR HUMANE about imprisoning peaceful earthlings with the hideous desire to murder them and eat their flesh. Humans need to evolve into something better and millions and millions of people now live healthy lives without killing other sentient beings. You should look up Robert Cheeke and might just find yourself inspired to be better.


Does my own count?

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