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Why are so many of the non-religious so militant about it? Wouldn't it be better to just be, like, "whatever"? To argue passionately about religion gives it more importance than I'd have thought it warranted.

Faithless1 7 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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The demands of religionists are being accepted and supported by way too many people ignoring the problems caused.
Bible studies in public schools.
Texasstan school board removing all science from the text books that are used by the majority of schools,...
Laws against protesting/boycotting the zionist invaders.
The true evil being caused in europe islam.
The insanity of the human rights tribunals in canada, defending religious customs.

"Whatever" ain't workin.


That's amusing...and insane. The non-religious are militant? Have you forgotten how violent and murderous christains have been throughout history.. and still are (trump lovers)? How many people have been murdered, imprisoned, tortured, marginalized,,,entire cultures destroyed... by the RELIGIOUS??? To force people to believe in some invisible, non-existent sky fairy??

Xena Level 6 May 24, 2018

How many is too many. Are you perhaps seeing more of the militant precisely because they make themselves so much more visible


Exactly... Here is my answer one more time...
I don't care


I don't know. sometimes I think there as obsessed as believers.


I never argue with anyone about religion. It just gives us both a headache.

why are you in this thread then?

@Xena Becuase I am a nonbeliever. If l wanted to argue about religion l would have joined a Christian site. I don't argue with Christians because it is stupid to argue with stupid.You can't win. You just get frustrated, or pissed, or both. ☺


To argue passionately about religion means you're hung up/stuck/have an axe to grind OR you're chasing down something vitally important to your understanding of the world. I don't have THIS particular need...mine is something else and I chase that one down w/o shame, guilt or apology. So, I try not to judge others.


I'm no longer willing to keep religious and pro-Trump friends on Facebook, once they start posting offensive memes. I usually message them and tell them why, to give them a chance to change if they want.
Only one person, so far, has backed down and reformed, and she's not religious.

My current policy is that when I'm trolled either on Facebook or this website, I block them. Yep, plenty of Trump-lovers here as well, although not as many as in the general population. Whenever one of them starts attacking, I hit the "block" button and get relief.

Guess I've been lucky here but it's good advice! Block them the first time and move on....

@LucyLoohoo I used to try to present evidence and debate with them here, but turns out most just wanted to yell "fake news!" no matter what links I gave them, or what I said (like the alt-right trolls do), so now I put a disclaimer at the end of posts with controversial content, after listing links, that if anyone trolls me I'll just block them.

That usually works, but some do it anyway, so I do block them.


Largely self defense and defiance I think.


I think it's defensive, since most of us have been on the unhappy end of the BERATEMENT ''stick." And, frankly, I'm weary of religious proselytizing, sneaky moves to insert it into public schools, courtrooms, etc. If we don't stand up to'll never end.

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