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Football vs. Football

Here in the good ol’ USA, when we say “football” we mean NFL American football. When the rest of the world says “football” they mean soccer. What’s a better name to distinguish between the two (I know just about everyone knows which you’re refering to, but humor me)?

Rules for responding: no snobbish comments about the tribalism of professional sports. This is supposed to be a fun post, not a thesis.

PeppermintDreads 7 May 24

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I would say that the US needs a better, more accurate name. Soccer has been around a lot longer than US Football. The word football means 'foot ball' -- to use one's feet. US Football rarely uses feet to move the ball -- less than 10% of the game. The rest of the world football means using the feet to move the ball. But, of course, the US name will remain because the US is always right. (same with the metric versus the US system of measurement)


With all due respect to its many fans, "American Football" not only has been proven to be harmful to its devotees' health, but it's misnamed. It should be called "grabball" or "hugball" or maybe even "squeeze ball." Those terms actually would be much more descriptive of what actually happens in an "American Football" game. In the name of truth in labeling and to avoid deceiving the uninitiated, American Football should cease to call itself football forthwith. When that happens, "football" will mean the same thing in the USA as anywhere else. I believe in self help in this area. "Soccer" is an absurd word. What is a socc? Instead of using "soccer," I suggest using football and insisting on it.


Tag and soccer. 😉


Can it really be considered a sport if you don't use your hands? Seems more like a kids game.

gater Level 7 May 24, 2018

Oh now




in America soccer and football but in England football and American football maybe.

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