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As Samuel Clemens observed, "... at seventeen I could scarcely endure my father, the old gentleman was so ignorant; at twenty I noticed that he said a sensible thing occasionally; at twenty-five I was astonished at the improvement my father has made in the last eight years."

JacarC 8 May 24

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The older I get, the dumber and more foolish my parents become.


LOL! My dad was useful helping me fix my car, discussing electronics and politics, telling stories about old sci-fi plots he'd read, but not terribly handy at giving me life advice.

I was surprised at how much wiser my mom grew each year, even though most of what she taught me to prepare for adulthood was sadly outdated by the time I grew to fold and safely pin a cloth diaper, how to kill, pluck, and cook a chicken (turned me into a vegetarian), how to be the obedient wife (never refuse sex, and always forgive and forget..a formula to encourage abuse, which it did.), and taught me Bible stories..which I no longer believe in.

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