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Do you ever feel like there is no one else on the same plane of existence as you? That you don’t fit in anywhere?

HeraTera 7 May 24

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super Mario completed level song Congrats! you're probably a freethinker! (unless you hear voices in your head then you're a schitzophrenic... good luck)

Oh crap @Lukian, I'm reading this in your voice rn. I knew I had issues.

@Blindbird good luck.... mouahahahaha!

@Lukian. My god will protect me

@Blindbird ooooo i'm so afraid!!!!


This is a film about a guy called Steve Howarth from Arizona. He invented some of the extreme piercing techniques. In the film his wife talks about what they do and who they are. She said that (paraphrasing) a small number of people become the ideal, they can sing, or are good sportspeople, or are beautiful or are rich and that everyone else tries to aspire to them. She said there were a small number of people who just walk away from that aspiration and are completely individual. Its cool to be those people. I am too


I used to feel that way, until somebody convinced me to join Mensa and I finally found my people.


Story of my life. It is very hard to feel a part of things when you know deep down, you don't fit in. I have a small social circle but it's limited for what we talk about. Nothing of depth and for sure religion is not mentioned because its just the way we are when we hang out. It can be lonely sometimes for sure. I feel more connected here on this site than anywhere else.


Psychologically speaking, feeling like you don't belong is not an uncommon feeling at all. Chances are that if you are a normal person, you will feel this at some point in your life. Most likely teenage years and/or life as a young adult, though it can happen at other stages. In one way, we kind of all are on our own little worlds and planes of existence. No one can see into our minds. Our thoughts are our own, for better and worse. But if you seek out what makes you feel happy and fulfilled in life, that feeling will become less and less prevalent. There are people like you out there and there IS a place for you in this world. You just have to go out and find it.

You are wise beyond your years Raven-


This is where I am at all the time. I just don't let that feeling control me. Its one of the things I have come to accept in life..


That's why we are racing to level ten on here so we can ascend to the next plane of existence!!

That's true - takes a while 🙂


You are an individual. No one else has experienced your life or your thoughts. This is a beautiful thing but it's also a lonely realization. No one is ever going to understand you completely because no one's been with you on your whole journey. Friends are those people who can understand and share at least a little of what you've experienced and vice versa. Find and cultivate those little connections and you will probably feel better about your individuality. This site is a really good place to start making those connections. There really are a lot of good people here. Hugs.


It's more important to be the real you (Not so easy) than to fit in. Conformity leads to group thought which is never any good.


Yeah, but that's the beauty of life.
No one has to.


Absolutely. Even amongst my closest cohort, I feel peripheral and incorporeal


I don’t feel human sometimes. I feel other. But then there are times I feel connected to everything.

This may just be shifts in our perspective being experienced


Well, only about all the time. Especially when I'm reading in public, I'm engrossed in a paragraph halfway through a page, and people act surprised when I get annoyed with them for interrupting me.

You need to learn to perfect the annoyed look, murmuring "Um, hum" distractedly, while glancing constantly at your book, then if they still don't get the hint, excuse yourself and start reading it anyway. I no longer even try to cooperate with time-wasters. I now just say to please excuse me but I'm in the middle of something. and then I return to it.




Absolutely. In my case, it normally occurs when I get too 'inwardly' focused on my personal issues. Once I sense that it is happening, I'll go visit a friend I have not seen in a while, call my parents, go help my kids with something, volunteer.....Once I focus more 'outwardly' toward others, I begin to feel that I do fit in.


I have felt like that before. I don't even know what changed. Perhaps I learned to accept it as fact and carry on.


My whole life,


Yeah especially when fitting in means acting like an idiot a lot of times.




There is always a place for you. It may just be a little better hidden from the norm. But it is a place where your uniqueness will be appreciated.



dc65 Level 7 May 25, 2018

Me too. At least I have some common ground with you 🙂

@HeraTera I tend to dwell on things too long because I want to understand them thoroughly


I sometimes don't even feel like I'm the same species as everyone else...


I am unique. If there were 2 of me the universe would implode?

jab60 Level 6 May 25, 2018

I have felt that way my whole life.


Fit in with whom?
I was raised in multiple cultures at the same time..
my American parents and fellow missionaries in Haiti,

the French/African culture of Haiti of most of my friends,

the Spanish Domican Republic culture of many friends on the other side of the island,

my Arab friends in town, whose parents owned most of the cloth shops,

my French friends, who commuted to Paris, and owned many businesses

my Haitian/European friends-Europeans who had married elite Haitians and also owned businesses.

I speak and read English, Creole, Spanish, French, Creole, and some Thai and Japanese.

I also am very high IQ, so that makes me different from the general US population.

My dad is from a religious Spanish background, my mom from an upper class English background, and both have Native American ancestry so I'm sort of multiracial.

I'm a partial transmale (I partly see myself as male), androgynous (I have mixed gender tendencies and hardwiring), nonbinary (I don't identify with either gender) demisexual (no sexual attraction to anyone except after a year and then to that one person), panromantic (I can fall in love with anyone), etc. so can be classified as LGBTQ.

But most of all, I don't care what others think..I love myself and wouldn't be anyone else!

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