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Disgusting lack of food safety. I have a question for friends here that work in the food industry (restaurants in particular) – what do you think of the way this “chef” handle raw chicken with his hands and then cross contaminate practically everything in the kitchen. Is this common place in restaurants across the US?

jujuofthesea 7 May 25

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If you watch other videos of this guy, you'd see other gross habits. He'd handle raw chicken, wipe his hands on the towel and then use that towel to wipe the plate before serving. ???


Not common. Disgusting.


I'm going to count the mistakes in real time as I watch the video....

  1. Green cutting board is for vegetables. BLUE cutting board is for chicken and fish.
  2. The chicken is already contaminating everything in the room because you're not covering it to flatten it with the mallet.... idiot.
  3. The butter and olive oil container are now contaminated with BOTH raw chicken AND raw eggs. Good job, skippy. A two for one.
  4. Parmesan contaminated.
  5. Mozzarella contaminated. Bonus idgit points for cutting it on the same cutting board which you used to prepare the chicken.
  6. Service plates now contaminated.
  7. Onion now contaminated and being placed on top of the chicken.
    8 ) Delivery guy's right hand is now contaminated.



Cutting boards are color coded for a reason...

  • White is for any non meat based product or can be uses for cutting vegetables if a green cutting board is unavailable.
  • Green is for vegetables only.
  • Red is for red meat only.
  • Blue is for chicken and fish only.

Choosing the incorrect cutting board is the least of his errors, but it's still an error.

In my kitchen, I use a plastic cutting board for meat and my wooden one is for vegetables. After cutting chicken, I'd spray the board and knife with a bleach solution and wash in hot soapy water.


Yep. They color code knives in commercial kitchens for the same purpose.

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