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Any Survivalists/ Preppers on here? There doesn't seem to be a group for it...

PeopleSuck 4 May 26

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I created a group for those that wish to join. ?



There might be a group, and if not you could always start one. Let me call on a friend for this one- @NotConvinced


I am a semi prepper, I guess. I live on my daughter and son in law's farm. We have chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, goats and horses, who are pretty much free range. . We have a couple of very big dogs and a couple of medium sized feisty ones too. We have a garden, our own well, and generators. My SIL can build anything, I am a nurse midwife, and my daughter a vet tech. We are considering solar and/or wind. We have friends who are also on a pretty self sustaining farm with cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. We have great a great manure pile and whatever leftovers that We don't feed the pigs, goes in the manure. Stuff like egg shells, coffee grounds, tea leaves, so we waste nearly nothing. We barter with our farm friends for hay and beef. My SIL makes delicious bacon, pancetta, and ham. We know how to butcher. We also have maple trees to make syrup and investigating honey bees. We don't have underground bunkers or anything, but could probably live off the land.


I see no problem with wanting to have non-perishable food and water saved just in case you have a natural disaster or something like that. Even weapons.


I haven't seen any, but I don't think it's wrong or stupid to do so. I live in an earthquake prone area, and we'll be needing food/h20 for at least 2 weeks if the "big one" happens. Most areas have some kind of disaster (hurricane, flood, etc) that could be dealt with much better if more people had done some kind of prepping in advance. I don't have an underground bunker for the apocalypse, but I do think most people neglect this area of their lives (as they do so many others... stats show us that most Americans don't save for retirement, watch their diets, exercise, etc).


Start a group for it then. I'll certainly join it - I don't like the thought of a post-catastrophe world containing nothing but Mormons. It isn't a daft idea to be a prepper at all: watching your children starve to death unnecessarily in a world that will recover in a few years is definitely something to avoid, and there are plenty of supervolcanoes that could blow, leading to a massive population cull. A small asteroid could have a similar effect. The whole world should be prepping rather than pumping money into getting a handful of tourists to the moon and Mars - we need to dig in here first to ensure the survival of our species (and as many others as we can protect in the same way).


I would hope that we are more intelligent than that.




Kind of, but not in an end times way.
I'm quite capable of fending for myself if need be and can live comfortably out of a back pack.
But I don't stock up on foods, weapons and such.

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