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What mythical creature do you think would be best to eat and why? how would you prepare it?
i'm thinking Manticore--you got your red meat, white meat and shellfish all in one package.

WankSkinatra 5 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't eat creatures, mythical or actual.

hey, you sound about as fun as a gluten allergy.
would you eat an Ent at least or something Undead?

@WankSkinatra What is an Ent? No time for fun. Too busy enjoying retirement the last 15 years.

@Countrywoman essentially an Ent is a treeman. would you eat one of the characters from Veggie Tales? i heard--on good authority--that the one Tomato character is a fuckin' fruit.


why has it to be mythical will it give you super powers haha

Rosh Level 7 May 28, 2018

Maybe just a regular ghost with some salad and a glass of Shiraz.

Have to watch those calories..and your body is your only Temple. ??


A ningyo, probably deep fried with chips.
Then I would be immortal.


God - for FUCK'S SAKE someone eat him. Please!


Unicorn and you would have something to pick your teeth with when you are through dining.

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