10 6

Just discovered chat rooms here but not sure how long they've existed. Maybe the yellow thingy was a different color before.

Anyway, though I love that such a feature exists on one hand, it appears that the majority of them require being a member of or identifying with the group. Calling my self a member of a group of any ideological bent is confining and makes my skin crawl a bit.

Not that many of the positions these groups advocate are without reasonable and reasoned merit, but fear of those with ideas that might differ exhibits a fear of expanding perspectives and learning or opportunities to relate ideas to others who don't understand them.

Isn't it bad enough that college campuses in this country have morphed into indoctrination centers wherein 'safe spaces' are necessary to maintain illusions and false narratives?

Atheist, in spite of efforts by many self-important, self-righteous people given to officiousness and controlling of others, isn't confined in a set of definitions/doctrines confining it's meaning within a narrow framework.

The simplicity keeps the designation from actually being a group and therefore can be comfortable because it is more a non-membership with otherwise undefined parameters.

Anyway, if y'all want to increase communication and perhaps turn chatrooms into places of diverging ideas, learning and active, challenging discussions instead of - HI- Hi, how are you?- Yo,Good tonight - Hey Silver! - Hey - etc. ad nauseam, consider opening them for discussion. If somebody gets profane or disrespectful in tone, there's always blocking.

Silver1wun 7 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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A solid thought there in regards to the last part of your post. Can't say I'm a fan of the group mentality myself, although I've come across a few groups on here that I find at least mildly interesting. Speaking of which, were you not at one point a member of the Conservative Atheist group?

Maybe perhaps you did not join said group but only posted a few times.

Also, is FinchiMcQ still active on here?


There are chat rooms? Are those just for the grown ups?


It is not that complicated. You can join a group and disagree with the premise of the group. ANd I have found even though I have blocked someone and listed their name as not welcome in a group they can remain. @Admin why is that? I am going back to eating ants now

I'll have to check again what gets blocked if a username is added to the group's block list. I think it just prevents them from viewing any group page. Are you seeing them in the list of members?

@Admin yes. THe group name shows in their list of groups, their pic is on the member page. I know they liked something but would not know if they commented since they are blocked.I sent a message with more specific info


This reminds me of the Groucho Marx quote, I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member (paraphrased).

Close 🙂


I’m having a hard time believing you are so opposed to joining a “group of any ideological bent“ since you already joined one called “”. And I don’t think any group here has the power to require you to think in any particular way. All they can require you to do is touch a “button” on a screen to join. If you don’t like any of the 300+ groups here, why not start your own and make it as unideological as you please?

skado Level 9 May 29, 2018

Starting a group just for that purpose sounds excellent.

An atheist orientation isn't in any way a subscription to group doctrines. It is a rejection of beliefs in existence of gods. That's it. Nothing added, in spite of many trying to set additional criteria, rejection of gods is all there is. One can reject pork and not be vegetarian reject spinach and still be vegetarian... or just be an individual choosing their own, dietary preferences without the label.

I like the suggestion about starting a room. Not very tech saavy, but it can't be 'rocket science'. Will have to ponder that one.

I think it would be a very popular group, and as the host you would receive points when people join. It really takes no technical expertise at all. Just follow this link to the groups page,


then hit the "Create" button at the top of the page and fill in the form. That's all there is to it. Looking forward to your new group!


Chat rooms are a new feature. I don't use them as I tend to enrage some of the less tolerant folks found there.

Me too!

Your remark relates to the 'safe zone' observation. Another common expression I've noticed is 'like minded', as in looking for like minded. Really?

Like minded people to me means people matching me on the basis of how we look at things. Like interested people are personally preferable. It is from their shared interest but different perspectives that one might learn of elements not considered before comparing ideas.

Sure, it can be annoying when others dislike your contribution and for lack of their own start calling names, impuning motives and try shutting you up. Sometimes returning replies in kind, I've been guilty, only provokes more venom.

What many miss is the opportunity it provides to use them to support or illustrate your points to other participants reading the exchanges.

Disagreements on issues enable direct comparisons from which all add to knowledge. This occurs, in my opinion, whether two individuals degrade discussion into argument or not. Others will attend the argument and STILL learn from the conflict while combatants make few to no points with one another. The show does very effectively, to bystanders.


It could simply be an issue of logistics and technology and there is no other way to join the group.


I agree. And this is why I opted out of the Level 7 & above groups which can control other lesser mortals on this site, and which seem totally like church elder groups to me. This is not why I became an atheist. I wrote a lengthy explanation of why I didn't like such groups to admin when they asked me why. But I never got a reply

Do you or have you participated in any groups?

@bingst I'm in the gardening group. Pretty hard-core.

If you are an A-theist, you became an A-theist for one reason only. You reject the claim that there is a god(s). That is all there is to A-theism..

@jlynn37 I also reject church-like organisations and groups.

@GoldenDoll A-theism is the rejection of god(s) only, not the rejection of religion or any group.

@jlynn37 Yes I read your previous comment. You obviously didn't read mine correctly. I, myself and me are not defined only by our atheism, and we reject church-like organisations and groups.

@GoldenDoll I will stop here.

@jlynn37 You didn't really need to tell me that. You could have just stopped. But you didn't did you - you just had to send me a message telling me I am 'a desirable woman'. Yuck & double yuck.


I agree. Or maybe have a new type - debate rooms.

that could be dangerous

@btroje dangerous? How?

@smoyle just debates in general. I am joking a little

@smoyle just debates in general. I am joking a little


I agree with you that chat rooms need to be open. It has been my experience that some people seem to have a need to dominate a chat room and/or turn it into their clubhouse with their brand leaving no room for new ideas or discussions. People will become childlike and start name calling or harassing others, that has been my experience with them. I just lurk in the background and watch for a while until I decide if I want to remain in the chat or not. Most of time I withdraw from a room and never go back, there is no need to stir up trouble if others like it there. Just leave and don't go back.

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