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As I'm finishing my coffee and light breakfast at a local Starbucks, this disabled young man approaches me to invite me to a Xmas church thing. I told him that I'm an atheist and he politely said that I was still invited.
He was nice so as I.

Then dawn on me that this is the first year in my life That I did not decorate for Xmas at all.

During my early phase of atheism, I would decorate simply out of cultural familiarity, then I removed all religious symbols, then no tree, just colored lights... this year, NOTHING... I'm THE only undecorated house in my block,I'm the creepy middle aged guy that I was always warned about, sweet jeebus, how did this happen?
Seriously, it's fine, can't stand this parade of hypocrisy wrapped up in pretty lights.

TonesX 5 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I always have a tree and stockings by the chimney (I have 5 grandchildren), but I can't stand Christian imagery like manger scenes. I have never used those types of decorations. We have a tradition for the grandkids where I build a gingerbread house, and Karen fills it with candy and toys. I made all the grandkids a wooden hammer, and they smash the house and get the booty inside. It's become a big deal at the house.


@TonesX Are you a member of Temecula Valley Atheists? If not, find them on fb. Over 700 really bad ass people in your area.


No decorations, hardly any gifts, no cards this year (expect a new year's photoshop card that I'll e-mail everyone). Hey, it's time we buy out of the insanity that has become a commodity. It's not religious. It's not about doing good deeds and caring about humanity. It's all about spending money and buying crap that will end up in a landfill sooner than later. OPT out of the insanity that is "The holy buying season."


I am not decorating this year but it isn't for any particular reason. I really love Xmas and the decorations! I love everything except the bs of religion. I love the trees, the lights especially. But this year I'm not decorating because I'm in an apt and all of my stuff is in storage. I kind of like the simplicity.


Any other oldsters here? I’m 72. So we all have “levels”? I don’t even know what my level is. How do I find out?

Oh, I’m level 1. What does that mean? I very much like the Stoics. Anyone else?

I'm a level 1 which means I can't message people directly. I signed up for this to meet some nice, single Atheist men. Sucks to be me!

Levels don't really mean anything unless you want them to. CLick on your level and a page will come up at how a level is assigned


I used to be one of the only houses on my street not to have lights. Now there a few more due to the economy.

So the war on Christmas is due to the economy, not the heathens!


I don't put up christmas decorations either. Christmas is enough of a pain in the ass for adults as it is. Christmas is a holiday for kids. Adults have to wade through all the bullshit it brings.

Putting up and taking down decorations is just one less item of bullshit I have to deal with.


Ha ha, I didn't decorate this year either, all the hype wears me out


I don't do Christmas anymore.


me either i hate it

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