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Republican? Democrat? Libertarian? 🙂

swf44nc 5 May 29

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Does it make a difference if you do not vote?

No, I guess not


None of the above. I choose to think for myself.

Me too.
But I'm finding libertarianism to be close to my preferences.


A conservative-leaning independent, who loosely identifies as a modern day Federalist.


None of the above. 🙂


Green Party! They remain uncorrupted from corporate cash.

I will sometimes vote for the Democrat if the regressive running against them stands a chance to beat the Dem.

Really! Uncorrupted from Corporate Cash. You don't say....


I am a registered Democrat, however I consider myself a Libertarian. I don't agree with a politician just because they have a D or R stamped on their head! Just like some people are product-loyal to only one car company...

Me either. Labels don't count fo rme.


LIBERAL libertarian. That is to say fiscal conservative. Social liberal.


I'm a card carrying Libertarian today but I never vote for them. In my lifetime I have carried the cards of the other 2 parties as well. How I vote depends on the issues but I will not likely ever be a card carrying Republican again.


Depends on the issue. I’ve debated from various points of view based upon my experiences and personal beliefs. Extreme Left or Right is irritatingly too single minded and Libertarian seems a little too laxidazical in some areas. All of which polarize issues and don’t allow for the “gray” areas in life.

Me too.

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