Ways to be blocked from my Agnostic account.
Trump supporters need not apply! Just move along! LOL. I was a Bernie girl ?
I support Bernie as well. The only one among them all who is sincere in his desires for our nation. His views and wants really are for "we the people (ALL the people)" instead of the greed the other politicians, and orange fucktwats follow.
Hate Trump, wasn't a fan of Hillary, can't stand Bernie.
Bernie is really the only one among them that I can stand. He's at least genuine and trying to fix real problems that real Americans have. He's not in the pockets of the uber elite and wealthy.
I might have at least respected him if he had run as an Independent, but trying to be a Democrat just to get elected meant he was willing to sell out a little
haha, you making friends again brother?
Always looking for new friends.
That's pretty harsh!!!!
But WTH.
Yep, I voted "not hillary".
And you have to admit, the Trumpster has provided more entertainment than any of us could have hoped for.
There's nothing "entertaining" in seeing our country being ruined. Nothing at all. I find it detestable, disgusting, frustrating, sickening and sad for our country...but not entertaining.
I don't believe our country is being ruined. I'm not saying this to be combative. I think many of the directions the Trump administration is taking are radical, and extreme. Neither of those things are good. I believe our country will be just fine. This is a moment in history where the pendulum has swung far, far right.... and it's paused, and will swing back. 2020 will be an interesting election year. Clauddvon, we're all Americans. We'll persevere.
@bigpawbullets 2020 can't come soon enough. November is much sooner and will be acceptable in the meantime to get that pendulum swinging back to its acceptable state again. Please understand, my problems are NOT with the politics! Republicans are going to do what they do, and Democrats are going to do what they do. How they "legislate" isn't my qualm. My qualm is how this d-bag and his cronies are bringing our country back to the days that existed BEFORE John Lewis and many other brave Americans was beaten and killed while for marching for civil rights - EQUAL rights.
My problem is that now, those closet racists, homophobes, Islamaphobes, and all the other disgusting phobias are not given the go-ahead to "come out" with their hate for other people who don't look like them, worship like them, act like them, have the same socioeconomic status as them, whatever it is....this has NEVER been to the level that it is today and it's only getting worse every day.
So my problem isn't the politics...it's in the person and what that person has done to the fabric of our HUMANITY in our country.
It's never OK to grab pussies and it's never OK to BE OK with others grabbing pussies...and I've grown up in lockers my entire life. I've never heard talk like that and if I did, someone would receive swift justice. It's a disgusting sub-human with his flute like the pied piper playing his songs for his disgusting rat followers.
I can tell that you're a "standup" guy, and in my opinion, much needed in our country. I'd ask you to consider why some of us voted for trump. The reasons are stated here and elsewhere on this app, so, no need to repeat stuff. It would be my hope that somehow we can all get together by November, and 2020, and hopefully field candidates on both sides that won't require trying to pick the lesser of two evils. I applaud your passion. But I'd hope you remain open to dialogue.
@bigpawbullets I know why people voted for Trump. My bigger problem isn't that they voted for him, it's that they STILL support him after all the damage he's done to our society with his vitriol. Anyone that STILL supports him is blind, deaf, stupid or a combination of the three.
What would you advocate doing?
I get the blocking on this app. But are you saying that the President must be removed from office?
@bigpawbullets most definitely. Nothing less would be acceptable.
Hey! Good morning!
I can think of only 3 ways to "remove" Trump from office prior to 2020. And then you'd have Pence as president, which some folks feel would be worse than Trump.
@bigpawbullets I agree. There is no win. But at this point I would take ultra religious over a bottom feeder any day.
@bigpawbullets actually, I apologize to the many wonderful crustaceans who did nothing to earn my ire. I didn't mean bottom feeder when referring to the chump in Chief...I actually meant whatever a bottom feeder eats and subsequently shits.
@Clauddvon !
You're killing me!!! I laughed so I choked on my coffee.
I think you're referring, maybe to primal ooze.
Sounds like a "B" si-if move.
@bigpawbullets If Trump actually stars in it, it would take it from a "B" to an "F"...unless you're graded by Trump University...
I'm with the op on this one. You can be educated and still have some standards, you don't have to treat the most toxic drivel in the culture as if it's on par with decent, legitimate discourse.
All of my rambling and really, this is all I'm trying to say. Thank you for stating my thoughts so eloquently.
Many of my friends are Trump supporters...where does that leave me? My relationship just ended over this very subject. I have no problem with another's views as long as they are not imposed on me. I have no trouble debating issues as long as when it's my turn to talk I get equal time without being shut down.
If you're friends with Trump supporters, then (in my view) you're also a supporter by association and are equally as culpable and an enabler for their disgusting behaviors and beliefs.
You either support RIGHT, FAIR and JUST things, or you support the opposite. There isn't a middle ground in my mind. And I am more than happy to be UNFAIR and UNJUST in my dealings with those people (and I may even be seen as over the top), but it's how I feel. If you support this jackass, or you are OK with your friends supporting this Jack Ass, then you indirectly support this Jackass.
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, also.
I am in the same boat here in Louisiana. Almost everybody I know here, including the very few that I call friends, are Republican and I assume they voted for Trump. It makes me sad and I don’t understand it, but I cannot write off people who have been very good to me in terms of friendship. I hope someday that they all see what a disaster this has been for our country.
@BlueWave I'm much more hardcore than you and others it seems, because, in my mind...no matter HOW CLOSE we are, or have been in the past, IF you are ok with this maggot of a human being, then you enabling, supporting and NORMALIZING all of the things we find abhorrent in our world.
I have always had very few "Facebook" friends, mostly only very close family and friends that I have known personally at some point in my life, but after the elections, that count went from 110 to 93.
I have zero tolerance for the kinds of deplorable things have come to pass as a result of this dipshits arrival in the Oval Office and I have gladly abandoned anyone in my life (no matter how close they were), who supported Trump...this included my father....that's just how serious I am with my disgust in this piece of shit.
How do people learn? I saw one former white supremist renounce their ways, crying and apologizing bc somehow a conscious was awakened. It would be great if there was a surefire method to wake-up up everyone.
While I did not vote for Mr.Trump, because he was legally elected he has my support as our president. It seems like very bad citizenship to stage an insurrection whenever your candidate loses, or to raise a big ruckus for that matter.
I look forward to being blocked. How can I verify that you have blocked me?
ta ta
@WilliamFleming "Insurrection whenever your candidate loses" sounds exactly like you've been drinking the Fox News koolaid. Make no mistake dude, we detest Trump because he's a lousy human being and an embarrassment to our highest office - not because we're sore losers Hillary didn't win.
Legally elected? Don't we have to wait till Mueller phones in to find out if there was fraud or not?
Not everyone who supports trump is well like trump. Some of them are decent people just with bad ideas...
What if I say I'm a conservative libertarian?
I actually should have rephrased the initial post. Thanks for pointing that out to me.
My post SHOULD HAVE READ, for Number 1: "Be a Trump Supporter"
Are you?
Updated. Thanks for the reminder that actually not all Republicans are scum bags...I actually know quite a few Republicans who did NOT vote for Trump and are disgusted with him as our President.
@Clauddvon wow. You are toxic. I believe in freedom. When you say that someone doesn't have the right to breathe if they support someone....you sound like a tyrant. Feel free to block me if you have difficulty with people disagreeing with you. The debate and exchange in ideas is what keeps humanity going. Open your mind and listen. Or don't. Your life. Live it how you want. That's freedom
@Phoenix1976 Block incoming. Ta ta!
Explaination is in order. Ambiguity fosters conspiracy theories.
Okay, explanation. It's quite basic.
In my life, there is no gray. There is only black and white.
White is the area where you are a good person.
Black is an area where you are a bad person.
There is nothing about Trump that is in the white area...he is only a vile creature and everything he says and does is a negative to our society as a whole.
So, if you support Trump, if you agree with Trump, if you don't have a problem with what Trump is doing, then you are an enabler and no better than Trump. If you like Trump, then you are equally as bad a Trump; therefore, I want zero to do with you.
There...now no conspiracy theories need to result from my comment.
It's very simple. If you support this douchebag, you are also a douchebag that doesn't have the RIGHT to breath the same air that I breath, or occupy the same spaces that I occupy.
@TheMiddleWay wtf?
It is sad that this is where we are today, or at least many of us are. I wish it were not so for me. I have always had open mindedness as a goal to live by. But given the clear and dramatically obvious lies and corruption that are being enthusiastically supported by republicans, or at least being shamefully ignored, that are ruining so much that I cherish I just am unable to see beyond this huge character disorder....at least that's what I believe now.
...so much for open, accepting minds .
If you support THIS President, then you are NOT welcome in my life, around me, or even breathing my air. There is no acceptance of the kind of vile things that are occurring under this buffoon. Are you Republican? If so, I have my block button ready.
Yeah sorry I've not met a single trump supporters who is open minded or accepting. If you support a man who bullies, wastes money, attacks mexicans, encourages violence, destroys our alliances, supports nazis, scams people, is anti-LGBT+ and assaults women, you don't get to cry 'WAAAH you don't tolerate my intolerence!"
@Clauddvon No, I couldn't possibly support the orange beast. And I certainly understand your venom towards him. However, I have both friends and family who voted for him, Quite a few , at this point , have regretted that choice and are able to see the reality of his disastrous "leadership". Others, for some reasons that I'll never understand, still support him. And yet I've seen that not all of his supporters fit the generalized description laid out here. And I do see this "either/or" attitude on both sides. It only divides us further, and gives more power to the very ones that are despised. If we make no effort to reach one another in some way, and unite, they have won ...
@evergreen - If you voted for him for some ignorant reason (including "he's not Hillary" ), and you've realized the error of your ways, then you're no longer a "Trump Supporter" and I can forgive their ignorance and err in their decision-making processes. Knowing what we know today about him, though, and his swamp cast of characters...if you STILL support him, there is no retribution or "seeing the light" that's possible. These people are the racists and homophobes that our country, are unfortunately overpopulated with.