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What does your book collection say about you? This is my small office library. What’s in your collection?

goldrose 7 May 30

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Ummmm I love fooood..and weird


"Book Hoarder" is what mine says! I live in a small town in NC and I have at least 3 times their collection. I just recently gave 1400 to my local used bookstore for in-store credit except he stopped counting years ago and I can take out pretty much any books I like, I usually only pay for special editions.
I have many thousands of books, ranging from hundreds of Dungeons & Dragons all editions including originals to over a thousand on religions. I have 4 post-grad degrees in Theology and have swung through the realms of Lutherism, Baptist, Athiest, Pagan, and Wiccan, with hundreds of volumes per. I have all of Tolkien in everything from first editions to work down paperbacks - at least 10 copies if each book. If Big Brother ever wanted to find me like in the movie "Conspiracy Theory" they just need to tag Tolkien - books about the games, movies, everything.
Entire series like Dragonlance and Wheel of time, Thomas Covenant to Piers Anthony, Western to Biography to HISTORY. I absolutely love History.
I've also homeschooled my kids, 2 in college, 1 not, 2 high school seniors, a 5th grader, and Kindergartener - so I've had to stock up everything from the top 500 books everyone should read to workbooks. And I've read almost all the books in the house except the shelves of the kids Manga, and dime-store romance.

I'm currently renovating the house to fit in my first grandkid, so books are boxed. When re-shelved I'll post a pic of our library (pretty much every room lined with shelves.) I'm a single dad who loves reading and instilled that love of books in my kids. I've only recently (6 years) started online books and audio books. I have several, like Audiobooks and Playster, subscriptions and Google Library, and have a budget for the family so the kids can download what they want and I can keep reading.

I could talk about books, series and authors and genres. I have a wall of just Star Wars books, Star Trek, Idiot's Guide/for Dummies......

And to cap it all off......downsizing. Once the Seniors graduate I'm taking the young ones to Van-life or camper it around the Americas, then sailing the world, and will have to say farewell to physical books. I'll keep special books, maybe a few ....ugh! It is a nightmare, I just love my books too much.

This is my first post, thanks for a great question!

You have a great selection of books and patience for homeschooling 🙂


Mine says "eclectic." As most here, we have a wide range of topics. I have a LOT of sci-fi and fantasy, historical fiction (Michener, and my guilty pleasure - Diana Gabaldon), biography, especially the Tudors - Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, etc., and composers, LOTS of poetry, and what I kept from my days studying philosophy in college - a mixture of books about religion, philosophy, etc. I love every one of them. My books are one of the few things that survived the last downsizing. 🙂

Space and Centanial are two of my favorite reads


My books portray a conflicted man. I have over 600 "theological" volumes now along side Dawkins, Ray, Harris, Silverman, Hitchens (difficult to read due to writing style), Garcia, Russel, Madison, Barker and others.

I'm cataloging the six hundred volumes to sell, though one person asked me why I would sell those and propagate the deception. My small sampling isn't going to tip the scale, so I might as well profit and give to my favorite secular association or foundation.


I have a comic book collection so obviously I think of myself as an intellectual.


I have a wide variety of books. Egyptian historical fiction, egyptology, sexuality, geology, Science Fiction, and many others. Here's my audiobook collection.

I've heard good things about The Ethical Slut. How did you like it?

@resserts it was fantastic.


These are favorite books I keep next to the bed. Books on other, less visited topics are shelved elsewhere.

What does it say? It says that I'm a very strange man. All indications are toward becoming stranger. ?

Strange is good. 🙂


Currently over 600 books I have worked on in the last 30 years or so. I've written within their pages a lot of irreverent stuff on the side, yellow highlighter...the whole deal. Someone will have a lot of fun someday after I am long gone.


Well, I have an entire bookcase of just Stephen King. Next to that I have a mixture of fiction by Anne Rice, John Irving, John Steinbeck, Joe Hill, and many more. I also have collections of Tennessee Williams, Mark Twain, Madeline L'Engle, Ray Bradbury, and lots of Hitchcock anthologies. I have a couple signed editions - Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice, and Unstoppable by Ralph Nader. Then there's various biographies of celebrities I like, miscellaneous Mad Magazine collections, and other silly things. In my office I have metaphysics, heavy on the western/eastern astrology and tarot, a smattering of spell books, some medical reference books from when I worked at home, a bible or two, stuff by E.G. White, various psychology and self-help books full of tests to analyze myself and others, and Llewellyn astrological date books going back a decade or two. High school yearbooks, a couple zillion of my own journals, a dictionary, a thesaurus, a couple French/English and German/English translator books, and lots of miscellaneous. My library is completely lacking in bodice rippers and westerns, although there are quite a few trashy horror novels from the 70s and 80s. And constantly buying more. 🙂 🙂


My book collection says there are several humans in my brain. There's a bit of every genre in there and it takes up most of my living room walls. I read in a circle that goes something like this: sci-fi/fantasy, history, art (with tons of plates), music theory, myth, horror, contemporary lit, professional (pm and software stuff), graphic novel, classic lit, religious, geography, hard science (bio, chem, physics, etc), and back to sci-fi/fantasy. Repeat. The only genres not in my library, hilariously, are self-help and books on atheism/agnosticism. I haven't read Hitchens, Dawkins, or any of the classics in that arena. I guess since I live it, I'm not as interested in reading about it.


I need to set up a dewy decimal system.

It sounds like most of the members here have to do the same 🙂


Mine says they are there for decoration and not much else.


Where'd you go to law school? I'm Loyola Law School (Los Angeles), class of '94.


The wall of books in my office says I like Sci Fi, Fantasy, cookbooks, role playing games, and Ogden Nash.


With a lot of Heinlein, Azimov, Clark, etc, I hope it would say that I'm forward thinking.


Mine says, "Did you rob a broke library?"


The food of 2009 ruined a big chunk of my library. Cookbooks were on a high shelf so they all survived.


Mine says i'm a homeschooler. We have a "library" in our home. I love books. -.-


Most of the fiction I read is now on my kindle. in ‘real’ books I have reference books on 2D and 3D design, some art books, a book of English verse, a guide to British birds, and a couple of guitar books. oh, and some computer books.

I do have ‘The Princess Bride’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’ in hardback.


I have stacks of books lying around, and only Satan knows when I'll get to them all: science fiction, fantasy, classics, thrillers, poetry, plays, humor/satire, mysteries, tech, design, religious texts, philosophy, DIY, autobiographies, reference texts, cookbooks, math and science texts, general fiction…


Heh... Mine is a fair bit of Stephen KIng; an awful lot of Bill Bryson; a good stock of Paul Theroux; lots of music autobiographies; some astrophysics texts; plenty of Dawks/Hitch; a little poetry and a couple of books on etymology.


Its funny that I found this comment, I just answered a similar one. In the other post I give five books. I'll expand on it by five more. A top 10 of my favorite:

  1. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking.
  2. The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
  3. A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martian
  4. The First Congress by Fergus M. Bordewich
  5. Our Lives, Our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honor by Richard R. Beeman
  6. 2001: A Space Odyssey by Author C. Clark
  7. The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks
  8. Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice
  9. Night Shift by Stephen King
  10. The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury

That I either don't read or have gone digital, haha.

My collection is all over the place: history, philosophy, pop-science, some fantasy, fiction and science-fiction, self-help books.


That I’m a math teacher with an interest in history.


Academic textbooks from undergrad and graduate school, psychology and self help, poker, history, massage, military, business, real estate, marketing, crime, sociology, scuba and a collection of Hunter S. Thompson!

Interesting combo!


I love books. I love the way they look when they fill my shelves, I love the smell of new books, I love the smell of my rooms filled with books. I've got books on philosophy, biographies, how-to books, self help, anatomy, lots of scientific and medical books.I've got at least one book for every category in the library of Congress system. I think I've read four. I think I love having books. Much like I love having traveled but I don't really like traveling.

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