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I like to shamelessly flirt with the hunky local weatherman on twitter. He's liked a few of my comments and laughed at some. It's just fun and games for me, with no real expectation or active desire, but my mama says I'm gonna get slapped with a harassment order. I always keep my flirts G rated and weather related. How do I find out if he thinks I'm being creepy or stalkerish? I'd hate for him to be uncomfortable with my little jests

LadyAlyxandrea 8 May 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I think you are looking waaaayy too much into it. If he found your messages offensive, he'd block you, yes? Or are you questioning your behavior? If you are, well, maybe you already know the answer. Just playing devil's advocate! I say if it's harmless, flirt away, mom be damned!


So,being just a "Tease" right now? What do you believe he thinks of them? Court order to cease and desist? Knock on your door at 2am?


Typically if he is responding back, amd not drawing a clear boundary, I would suspect you are in the clear.

You guys are right! Thanks! I suspect he might be homosexual, but flirting is still fun lol

@LadyAlyxandrea indeed.


I'm a shameless flirt with people who like it. An RN I worked with paints psychedelic bunnies in lingerie to help her destress. She was much older, faithfully married for 1000 years and we got raunchy bc it's more fun than FB on long shifts.

Kissinger said power is an aphrodisiac, even a local weather guy will be used to casual flirting.

Disagree he'd be nuts to think you're weird bc there are creepy women out there. If he's in a committed relationships. Some psycho would want to break them up.

If you both keep it on the same level, I have to think it's mutual and those examples are FUNNY. That you're even aware it can be creepy and concerned says a ton! People with bad boundaries are almost never aware or concerned.


don't worry about it if it feels like fun whatever you do.


I think your mom is too worried


ask him


I am probably the most tech illiterate person in the world, so I don't know the protocol.

Maybe just ask him? A blunt instrument is sometimes the best approach.


He's a celebrity with a twitter, it's his job and he opened the door, have fun and don't worry.


I'd say ask him but I'd guess if he's LOLing things that he hardly feels bothered by it. If you are questioning it though, you might want to consider why you are becoming concerned with it. If your own ideas and instincts are waving a caution flag it might be time to back up a little, just a little. Have fun with it, just don't make it too daring, especially if you are concerned with a harassment order.

AmyLF Level 7 May 31, 2018

I am concerned by it because I am a person with high anxiety who has been abused into believing their very existence is an annoying curse to those around me

@LadyAlyxandrea Ok, please do not take this as snarky or anything because I mean this with genuine concern... but shouldn't you be speaking with a therapist about this if that's the case? It's easy for people without an anxiety easy to spin things that way and they typically might need to speak to one. With extra anxiety issues, wouldn't it be wiser to just seek professional counsel for the balance?

@AmyLF well one, I am seeing a therapist and two, therapy isn't a magic cure all. It doesn't just suck the anxiety and trauma out

I'm not meaning to be snark just...seriously

@LadyAlyxandrea It isn't meant to to just suck it out. Its meant to give you an outlet to learn how to manage it better. There is also learning meditation. People I've known who had full blown anxiety attacks that learn it end up shucking the attacks eventually. Both take time. Everything worthwhile does.

At any rate I thought we were discussing what would be stalkerish or not and your concerns about it. Wouldn't the therapist be able to help you sort through it?


He maybe flirting back at you but if he is that popular I he does it to everyone else. No offense implied personally to you but I don't like flirting to me it's ,as you say, creepy or stalkerish.


Life is short. If this guy is single or polyamorous and the opportunity arises, you should most definitly get with him and explore how many nice things you can do to each other between the sheets.


I am thinking out loud here, ok?..... Why don't you ask him?


I feel certain he'd mute or block you if he felt harassed.


What you are doing is harmless. Any man would enjoy it. I’m sure he would s loving it.


You are keeping it light and fun and that is all. There is absolutely nothing threatening in what you are saying.


But you are hoping for love thunderstorms ?


That's enough foreplay, now take him to bed.


Trust me he gets far worse than that .....dirty underwear , nudes and probably marriage proposals .....just do what I do if I ever think I'm crazy there's always someone out there far crazier


I’m a bit confused. ‘Shameless’ flirting, but all ‘G-rated’ and about weather? I can’t imagine...

Shamelessly CHEESY

"Damaging wind gusts approaching at 70mpg"
"Oh I thought that was just your smile blowing me away"

"Keep tuned in while we cover these powerful storms"
"I'm just glad I have an excuse to keep you on my tv 🙂"

"Large hail is expected"
"Not as large as my appreciation for your smiling face"

"It may be storming outside, but your face is radiant as the sun"

@LadyAlyxandrea He'd have to be pretty weird to be offended.

@LadyAlyxandrea that looks harmless

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