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In your opinion, at what age should someone get their first piercing?

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OuzelWoman 6 May 31

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I voted informed choice. I have 24 piercings and 17 or 18 tattoos. All after I was 18. I have no right to tell anyone when they should get them. Not my body, not my choice.

Well said!


Mine were done at birth.


We let our daughter get her ears done at 8... She'd begun showing an interest and we spoke with her about what to expect and the positives and negatives for her. A couple of others in her class at school did it around the same time too.

Whatever age is an 'informed choice', yeah — that's good with me.


I got my ears pierced when I was 2 days old. I didn’t have a say I guess. I had other piercings done as an adult but I couldn’t keep them due to allergies to metal jewelry. I think it really depends on the piercings. Earlobes are probably ok for younger persons. Others would be better later when they know how to care for them and know what they’re really getting into.


I waited until she was old enough to understand that it would really hurt and she had to take care of them. Which for her was about 7. She can get others after she turned 18. She only wears earrings for special occasions. Probably because that's what I do...

I had mine pierced as an infant, got 2nd holes at about 15, 3rd at 23(?). I also pierced my nose at 16, but joined the military shortly after, so I let that one close up. No new piercings but 2 tattoos and waiting to get more.


If a person does the research and can comprehend all the pros and cons then the choice should be up to them regardless of age.


I am 64, no piercing, no tattoo, no bullshit, no polling.


For ears I would say whenever they are old enough to care for the piercing themselves. Anything else should probably be at least 16. I never understand it when I see a baby with ears pierced. It just seems so unnecessary.

GwenC Level 7 May 31, 2018

I was 7 when I decided to get my ears done and 13 for my tongue.


I let my daughter get her lips pierced at 16. But I made her wait throughout the entire school year so she was sure about it.


I've never understood body piercing. As an expression of a person's taste in attractivness, or a cultural thing... I'm at a loss to understand. Aren't you damaging your body doing this stuff? I've been "pierced" and found those wounds, while no longer dibilitating, good indicators of weather changes. Seems like a rather silly practice to this old man.


I voted for Adult but if they can pay for it and any medical care needed afterwards, go for it!

BillF Level 7 May 31, 2018

By 11 to 15 they can probably properly take care of the wounds.


A person's body is their own. They can do as they please with their meat sack - once they get what that means.

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