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Get this maniac out of the White House! []

rogeralyn 7 June 1

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We've already gotten him out of the white house many times! Look up his golfing trips... All jokes aside, I'm surprised he didn't pick Palin as vice-president. She could stand by him and say "drill baby drill". Trump can yell "fake news" all he wants, and she would say "gotcha media". That'd be a winning team. I have, in my 34 years of life, EVER heard a President whine so much! You are the most powerful person in the world! Don't you think that you are going to get some critisism? Especially when you are a corrupt, immoral, lying, hasn't-kept-one-promise, ecotistical, mysoginist duche? That's just the start. I can go on.


That's freaking ridiculous


Totally agree - we are going to have major environmental cleanup as trump supports energy companies killing us

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