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Are there others here with chronic illness? I find that most people I meet with chronic illness are believers. It is really hard to find support around being disabled without people resorting to platitudes about how you will get yours in the hereafter. Even those claiming to be spiritual but not religious, when faced with suffering they cannot tolerate, justify it with "it's your karma." What a load of crap.

IrishGypsy 5 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I have spinal stenosis Happened 5 years ago i have been agnostic/atheist for more then 40 years now

KICKN Level 5 Feb 14, 2019

I have narcolepsy and it is just depressing to me how many other narcoleptics are all about God and Jesus getting them through their day and prayer and bla bla fucking fuckity fuck. Fuck you buncha god-botherers, it's science comes up with what few treatment options even exist.


I have a chronic illness and no one has mentioned religion. Maybe I just hide it well... or maybe most people I associate with aren't religious and I just don't know it.


I have diabetes, COPD, and a rare form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. My own behavior caused the first two, and the other is genetic. The latter is the luck of the draw. This is the only life I have and the only one I want.


There is a big difference between being religious and spirituality.


Undiagnosed chronic fatigue and other things. Yes.


I have a spinal cord injury and I definitely see that most other people with spinal cord injuries are believers. I've been questioning for some time. I've had people stop and pray for me outright and pretty sure they were disappointed when I didn't get up and walk right out of my wheelchair. I've been injured for 13 saved my life and science is what has kept me healthy, that and my own vigilance of course. What I perceive to be most harmful is when someone is struggling with depression and I see people basically tell them to suck it up or pray about it. When in fact, there could be chemical imbalance going on or they need to speak with a real counselor. Whereas, this other person just prayed their depression away and gosh darn it they are happy again.


My karma is surviving a near fatal asthma attack, that was exasperated by 20+ years of breathing 2nd hand tobacco smoke in the work place. Chronic breathing issues due to a 46% loss in breathing abilty, (it was an 80% loss). So chronic it is but I will not surrender to it! Tobacco = death cannabis=treatment


Me! You're never alone. I have a debilitating heart disease and think it's just bad luck, not karma lol

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