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Here's a good example of how religion screws everything up. It debauches human thought.

From his website, "this televangelist, Jesse Duplantis, is asking his followers to buy him a $54 million private jet."

Anybody with a sense of reason and compassion would prefer him to take the 54 million to the nearest skid row in big cities, and spend the money on shelter, food, warm clothing, and medicine.

It's obvious the money would be better spent, but religion has so jumbled the man's reasoning he thinks his ego trip is the right priority.

See why this is happening in terms of human evolution.

Aristopus 7 June 1

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As long as you have suckers who choose to live vicariously through these thieves, this sort of thing will continue.


He just needs to be caught in a motel room with a male prostitute and that's the end of his private jet.


He is simply showing what a corrupt, morally bankrupt and hypocritical demagogue he is. He is simply a despicable excuse for a human being.

And he's the moral leader of thousands of people.

@Aristopus It is hard to believe that anyone can be so gullible.


That is not limited to religion. Politics is equally the same as well as tribalism.


That is just sad and angers me

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