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True story

Clauddvon 7 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Wow that hits home . Well said. But still I did not vote for the TRumpet and never watched the Rosanne show due to my values.

EMC2 Level 8 June 2, 2018

LOL! Simple-she's a woman and Trump is a white privilege male.


It's easy to get fired for making racist comments if you work for people who make children's entertainments, cartoons and amusement parks. It's easy to get elected president if you pitch to people who racists but are too afraid of the PC police to admit to racism. And I'm still trying to figure out if "feckless cunt" is at the same level as "I like to grab them by the pussy."

it is i think

Agreed. They're nowhere near the same.

Not the same. One is a spoken insult. The other is sexual assault.

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