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Are "selfies" disingenuous? Which is more "real", a candid, in-the-moment picture or someone doing their own picture 3 dozen times from less than a foot away? Do selfies really capture the real person?

Sardonic1 5 June 3

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I love connecting with people and seeing the beauty of the great outdoors. My daughter, 28, pushed me into getting a smartphone. I just use it for driving directions. Usually leave it at home.

Here's the only selfie I have taken, using the 10-second timer on my camera. Wanted a picture of the new dress I made in Nov. 2017.

First I straightened up the background. Piled hardback books on the sloping sofa back, with the camera precariously atop the books. Focused the camera just above the chair.

Set the timer for 10 seconds, ran and jumped into the chair, trying to settle before the camera clicked. But when I pushed the shutter, often the books and camera slid to the floor! Started laughing at the absurdity.

At first all I got was blurred motion. This is the best photo. The camera focused on the map behind me. That's a good thing, to quote Martha Stewart.


I've never taken a selfie and I have been an amateur photographer for decades. I get that Selfies are a Thing but I just think that they are the Wrong Thing, doesn't stop people from taking them or posting them with pics of their dinner and their stupid cat. 😉


They can. But I really tend to wonder about the people who take at least one selfie every 15 minutes. I mean, get real. Nobody except their narcissistic selves really wants to see them taking a crap.

I don't do many of them, and the ones I do are mostly NSFW, but I think they capture the real me. 🙂


Is the selfie you taking about the same as wanking ?



Depends. I am a bird and wildlife photographer here in Thailand so usually carry expensive cameras with 400mm lenses, so it's not practical to take selfies.

But my daughter complained she seldom saw any photos of me so I began using my Galaxy Note 10.1 for selfies.

Here are a few:
1.selfie on Samila Beach, Songkhla

2.Photo in mirror of me with my camouflaged camera

3.selfie on my Songkhla apartment balcony

4.selfie taken while crossing the Gulf of Thailand harbor by ferry, on my motorbike

@Donotbelieve Thanks!

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