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Don't you just hate that about reality TV shows?

Surfpirate 9 June 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I've always hated reality TV. They exploit the worst of human nature and it "entertainment. " They'd try to exploit parents beating their kids in K-Mart of WalMart if they coudl figure otu a context in which to well it.

Reality shows are prolific because they have much lower production costs than shows that employ professional actors, so media companies give you cheap "entertainment" instead of quality programming.

There really isn't much on TV that is worth watching, I have a television that I watch movies on sometimes on DVD, no cable or even Netflix because my internet on the island is via satellite so it is painfully slow. I see cable TV sometimes when I am in town or at a friend's house, it seems terribly mundane, like elevator music.

@Surfpirate With Netflix i discovered the TED Talks. They do have some fun and interesting Original series too, like "The Good Place" or "The Santa Clarita Diet" However, the quality of their content in general has declined over the last few years.

@snytiger6 I check it out on YouTube sometimes but agreed, the content has dropped in quality.


Lol funny

gater Level 7 June 3, 2018

They can do any shit they want !

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