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If you want to cause controversy ask a religious fanatic. If a deity created man, why did it not invent a teleportation device so it could be visited?

azzow2 9 June 3

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Because, um, free will and, uh, mysterious ways and, hmm, you've just got to have faith…?


Because the attributes of the Abrahamic god were exactly the same as the attributes of the primitive and violent animal herders that invented him.

I agree - except for describing animal herders as particularly violent...


Can I get some of that Lot's Wife salt?

Pink Himalayan is getting so pase.

You are so bad. That story in the Bible is almost beyond comprehension. I mean, the Bible had some vile stuff, but that Genesis 19 is a real DOOZY for women. I mean, really. However, God outdoes himself with JUDGES 19. Not for the feint of heart. []

Yeah. I used to remember specific versus.

That tale where god bet the devil Job would not forsake him and killed all his children.

Horrible stories.

@GuyKeith Does that mean you wouldn't try Lot's Wife salt"


I wonder why a deity would create someone then set them on fire if they make a mistake.

Sounds like a pyromaniac to me...

ever play simcity? the best part is when you turn on the disasters


Think Raiders of the Lost Ark. You will melt if you look at god so we just want you to have faith. Also, god needs a few dollars, got any spare change.

Poor planning making something that melt when it looks at you, also if we were made in that image why isn't my mirror at least give me a sunburn


I don't think that is clever enough. The obvious answer is that is what prayer is for, communication with the deity and death is transportation or rapture.

Darn. You beat me to the death explaination.


Duh that's easy because its to out of this world to be believable. Lol

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