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Sunday without football...RN4L

charlotte62 7 June 3

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Raider Nation...


Even if I were back in the US, I wouldn't watch the NFL after their ban on black players protesting unarmed black men being shot by white supremacist police.

But beyond that, every time those players crash into each other they are sustaining permanent brain damage which could eventually kill them.

They can protest their cases of injustice in many ways. We have to change and improve things within the farme of the republic. Trashing the national flag and anthem is tentamount to trashing the republic. Without the republic there is no rule of laws.

I’d felt the ‘taking a knee’ thing had run it’s course, and will concede that to their management. But continuing to profit from the micro-concussions is inexcusable! American Football should be banned, along with Boxing…

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