So, it's official: The great country of the USA has fallen under an autocrat. Donald Trump.
An autocrat who believes he is above the law.
An autocrat in no small measure put there by evangelical Christians.
Will the legal and political institutions in the US pass the greatest stress test in history?
I say yes.
I can almost remember JFK in 1963. I certainly remember RFK, 1968, and Dr King, same year. I watched on TV US cities burn in race riots that year. I saw the lies of Vietnam come out. And in the end, they did the right thing about Nixon.
As a student of American history I call it the American bounce-back.
So, I say yes to my own question. But I would be lying if I said I had no doubts.
Do you think America is resilient enough?
If you want to lead then you have to be ready to deal with fair and unfair competition. There are so many people now wishing us to crumble or whatever. Of course this country has been and always will be resilient. And since you have quoted Kennedy, remember ..."It's NOT what the country can do for you...." Today more than ever, we must unite.
I keep saying pooling all funds and dividing them evenly to every viable candidate would help leaps and bounds to even the playing field. So would dissolving party divides. So would people studying their role in government because this government was set up for the people to be a key element. That so many throw it out the window basically allowed the monsters we now call political parties to get so far out of control.
We will survive, but significantly damaged. If the US House of Representatives and the US Senate remain in Republican hands, the deviant representatives of religious & industrial control, things will get far worse. It’s not as if a good man were shot and another man has stepped up; we’ve a mentally deranged whose purged advisers willing to question his behavior and encourage him to make further mistakes.
I remember JFK ..he may be turning in his grave ~
It is not that a fucking self-serving twat has become president that's the real problem as there are plenty of them on the planet. its the fact that so many fucking idiots agree with him enough to allow it.
I think we will need to take a majority in the House and the Senate. If that doesn't happen we are in for some difficulty. As a student of American history you know that presidents don't unveil their most controversial plans for change until after the midterms. That means we have not seen his most controversial and destructive ideas up to this point. Imagine how much worse this can get? If he wins a majority in the house then he won't be impeached. If he loses the house but wins the senate then he will probably be impeached but until that happens he can stack the federal Judiciary with extreme right wing conservatives. So conservatives must lose both the House and Senate to put an end to this destructive presidency.
I have my doubts, after all there is not so much difference between the democrats and the republicans. Both serve wall street and big business.
If you were an American I would have a harsh reply to that statement but since you're an Aussie, not living in America and rubbing elbows with these bigoted, racist, misogynistic, greedy, selfish subhumans who call themselves Republicans, I will simply say that you are not fully informed.
and @David1955 ...does nobody get it..? US campaigns require viable candidates to seek funding, unless they are extremely wealthy. The pawns of industry, promoting extremist views, are instantly funded by their industrial backers. To compete - their opposition must raise near equal funds. From where? ..this false equivalency between parties is either a sign of political naivety, historical amnesia, or successful brainwashing. I fear the latter...
@OldDave Well, I think you may be wrong there. Just look at how the majority of people wanted Bernie and the super delegates told them that we do not care who you want we are going to have Hillary.
We have to be part of the resistance. People have to vote. But education is depleted in this country. The hip hop music helps to make many people automatons. The churches influence the flock. People have to think intelligently, but the propaganda on the other side provides a substitute for intelligence. We can't take the resiliency of the past for granted. Our country is being seriously threatened.