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What religion do you view as most threatening to democracy and why?

Earthling50 7 June 5

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Then: Christianity, Now : Muslim. Both are evil.


Evangelical christian and (usually goes hand in hand) white supremists! They seem to be running, I mean ruining this country and its democracy. I'm amazed at the lack of "christian values" in these people!

yes the KKK is alive and well inside USA using code like Russssssaaaah Dingy Crazy LimpBOSS selling the facade of greed & zionism as top government priorities for the ultra rich.... none the less, fascism comes from BOTH CORPORATIONS running amok AND Islam unchalleged per their violent faith/ long as polluter oil wars provoke more muslims, our democracy is being bankrupted by the war profiteering banksters 20 trillion buckS now 7 trillion owed to CHINA .... we can have peace through green jobs and repudiating all violent religions.... there is no Allah, or Jehovah/YHWH Jesua Nasoret in existence justifying all this violence genocide and rewarding warriours with rape


Any EXTREMIST, regardless of religion-type, is a threat not only to democracy, but humanity due to their egocentric and close-mindedness. You simply cannot easily discuss with these people unless you share similar perspectives.

I find that most non-extremists religious people remain curious and open-minded and they contribute to the community and respect democracy.


I would have to say Islam. Dont get me wrong, I live in a multi-cultural community. Many of my customers are muslim and they have done wonders in cleaning up my area of the city but just look outside of the USA (I know thats hard for some you). Center of Islam is Saudi, a kingdom. Most of the arab world is not democratic. Its extreme is most anti-democracy. FFS the muslims enjoy more democratic rights in Israel than surrounding countries. Even in Pakistan, the corruption makes a mockery of the voting system. There is no muslim country where democracy flourishes, not even Turkey.
Now some of you will say that this is because of western interference and there is a point to that but hey you had UK interference in 1776. The difference is you had the will and leadership to fight for your rights. Not just read the old book and do what your told.

I have to agree. To add to this, as far as goes, Islam seems to be the greatest threat to Western society. It's ideology has not created success for itself. It calls itself a of 'peace' but I see no evidence - not 1 city or country that is peaceful or has the success that the western world enjoys.

@Earthling50 Western success is the result of colonialism and imperialism.

@Krish55 Islam had its empires too. The Ottoman Empire for one. Western empires went industrial which required an educated workforce, Which pushed for democracy. A population kept ignorant by just reading the one book is likely to.


From my perspective it's Christianity, probably because that's what I'm most exposed to and that is the group that comes out to vote in the ridiculous laws that get passed here due to their influence.


Thanks to all who responded (so far 37 people).
I ask this question because to me it's important on many levels - one being that democracy is at stake.
Here is my other question to you all ... what measures if any do you take individually or collectively to address your concerns?


A functioning democracy is a useful politicaI mechanism to avoid frequent civil wars, but I do not think that democracy is as important as personal liberty and limited government. It is perfectly possible to have a totalitarian democracy that commits mass murder, such as in France during 1793-4.

In the USA we have never had a democracy; we have a constitutional republic. And it is my impression that those who want our constitutional republic to be more "democratic" typically have little respect for personal liberty and limited government.

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