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Who should be elected president in 2020?

Who do you want to be our next president, and why?

Personally, I want to see Sally Yates as president. She is intelligent, hard-working and she is not afraid to speak truth to power. Her potential weakness, as I see it, could be in inspiring people of color to come out and vote, although getting rid of Trump may be all the inspiration people need at that point.

Diarmaede 7 Dec 23

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Elizabeth Warren. Or Bernie if he is up to the task.


With the advent of social media, people are getting more news from places other than the corporate media. Yeah, the corporate media that, at the request of the corporate friendly DNC/Hillary campaign, carried out the pied piper strategy to boost Donald Trump in the polls, because he was the only one that they thought could be beaten. With this social media, a whole lot of people are learning about the corruption in, not just our government, but the process that selects the candidates. We must not just hope, but use our voices, to ensure that corporate media is not successful in shoving another corporate democrat down our throats. #Bernie2020 #Tulsi2020


Elizabeth Warren,
Bernie Sanders or
Joe Kennedy

I love Kennedy!

@Boudica Kennedy is an up and comer. Perhaps by 2020 he will be well enough known. I am only just strtign to notice him myself, but so far, i like what I see.


I think that Elmer Fudd would be a vast improvement on the current incumbent.

LMAO... I tell people even Ady Dick would be an improvement over Trum0p.


Tulsi Gabbard

Marz Level 7 Dec 23, 2017

Cory Booker or Sherrod Brown.

Cory will not win.He is seen as a big pharmacy candidate.


I want MIke Bloomberg.


Some worthy Democrat.

Don't see an independent having a chance. America needs ordinary people, IMO, running things. The major parties spend all their energy spiting each other and thwarting whatever "the other side" wants to do. Too many radicals and not enough folks working for the middle-of-the-road people.People who will work for the good of EVERYBODY and not just their side. America is one country. Shouldn't be so much opposition for the sake of opposition. Quit trying to re-fight the Civil War and move on.

@Diarmaede I have to do EVERYTHING? Identify the problem AND solve it? Was it Captain Piccard who used to say, "make it so."?

The patchwork nightmare of Gerrymandering must be remedied, but with the Republican’s latest Supreme Court theft, coupled with the fact most Gerrymandering benefits the R’s ...we can’t count on that. It will continue to be an incremental struggle, maybe 3 steps forward, then a flying leap (Nixon, Reagan, Bush Jr. & This) back... But voter apathy is not our friend.


Bernie Sanders

Perhaps, but I’d vote for him sooner than gillibrand or Warren.

Bernie, is not too old.


Kanye west


Boy, that’s been the question of contention within my realm… I see no front runners.. Which, to me, may be a good thing. Cuz.. whenever there’s a front runner, like Hillary RC, there’s a target. And the other side loves nothing more than a (I won’t say big fat) target, and demonizing begins…

I remember when this guy ..I think he’d been the governor of some southern state ... emerged when no one prominent was on the radar - then he served two terms! Had ‘a local’ hot over the potential of WV’s gov …till he switched parties!

As crazy as it is, sad to say, anything can happen between now & then… But let’s keep our thinking caps on 😉

Varn Level 8 Dec 23, 2017

We need a third party to step in and end this two party circle jerk we've got going on in DC. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I'd do so again today.

It's really saying something about the state of our government when I, who am not a Libertarian, consider the Libertarian candidate to be the only viable option.

What are the chances of a Constitutional Convention rejigging our system to a Parliamentary affair? Otherwise, tossing away a vote to the detriment of the world is not something I’d admit.. or repeat.

I'm quite curious. Did you give Stein a thought? Seriously, someone with actual knowledge of world events. Who knows the the difference between where Aleppo is at over, what it is. Or could name a world leader they have some degree of admiration for without his side kick chiming in as he went totally dumbfounded. I'm really not trying to be a smart ass. I just would like to know why someone would support a candidate like Johnson and a party on steroids in relevance to the one running the country now. Do you know the history of the Libertarian Party and the type of people that started it? They would be doing exactly what the present administration is doing now. And Johnson would be an even bigger puppet than Trump is.

@ William_Mary.....

I did give Jill Stein consideration, and she does have some viewpoints which I agree with. However, Gary Johnson seemed to be the more realistic option because, as a Libertarian, he holds views which appeal to both sides of the aisle.

While he was nobody's ideal candidate, he was at least a candidate to whom everyone could point and say, I can agree with you here, here and here even if I don't agree with you on everything you say.

Gary Johnson also has an easy going, youthful demeanour which I believe will eventually engage and energize milennials. He also has a reputation as a good family man which will eventually appeal to younger conservatives.

With the exception of openly admitting that he enjoys a puff or two on the whacky tobbacy now and again, he's the best person for the job in a country where most of the population falls somewhere in the middle on the political spectrum.

Jill Stein leans way left and will never appeal to any other target group. She's simply not a realistic option.

@ Varn....

Well... if our public officials have become so universally corrupt that they'd do something so completely against our values as a nation merely to hold on to power, then we're already completely screwed and the counrty is no longer worth fighting for anyway. Time to find somewhere else to call home.


Somebody that everyone knows and respects. A good communicator: Tom Hanks or Oprah Winfrey.

I would vote for Oprah and Tom...right now I would vote for Mickey Mouse ....better than his orangeness

LOL! That would be so freaking awesome!

You thought the Bible Belt wigged out over Obama? If Oprah Winfrey ever plopped her butt in to the big seat in the Oval Office, they'd shit themselves and forget to wipe.

Please! No more celebrities!


Bernie or bust. If not him then Elizabeth Warren.

I was very disappointed when I learned that Jill Stein was a shill for Putin and an antivaxer. Definitely never getting my vote.

I used to agree with the whole "Bernie or bust" thing until I found out how many diehards voted for a third nominee, which shifted the election win to essentially, they helped put the very demon seed we all despise into the White House. Very disappointed that so many smart people had so little consideration for the women who are suffering so much under his reign.

I've loved Bernie since he was my mayor in Burlington, VT over 30 years ago. I think we needmore of a media person in the age of reality tv president.

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