Interesting that i had to open this out of the phone app in order to not only see the images but also have the script line up with the screen. The latter i had already solved by emailing it to myself.
Thank you @BeeHappy for another fascinating post.
Sorry you had trouble opening it. I have trouble opening FB links on my phone but they open fine on my laptop.
@Marine, this isn't the same link but close with basically the same info.
@BeeHappy thanks but lacking much of the information of the first article.
@BeeHappy phone.
Not only are they so smart they might be smarter than us there is reason to believe they are actually aliens that came here frozen from another galaxy and than further evolved on Eath ... My band is Arddnt Octopus because they are the coolest animal I know ... here is the Octopi Waltz... An instrumental intended to make you a little uncomfortable?
I can do what he did..just hurts like a bastard when you roll.
On a serious note..they are smart and their ability to problem solve is incredible.
I read that Octopai are the only creature that actually see's in 3D. In order to change their coloring to match any background they have to be able to see the back of the object they are copying. We cannot do that.
very cool. I love it when they emerge from camo mode in videos