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LINK Suicide rate: US saw 25% increase since 1999, CDC says - CNN

(CNN) - Suicide rates increased by 25% across the United States over nearly two decades ending in 2016, according to research published Thursday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Twenty-five states experienced a rise in suicides by more than 30%, the government report finds.

ballou 8 June 8

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I dislike the way that these statistics are publicised in relative terms. It could mean that 20 years ago 1.074% of Americans committed suicide every year and now it's 1.342%. Which would be a thousand time worse than the facts being reported today which are than in 2 decades the suicide rate has jumped from around just under 11 in 100,000 to just over 13 in 100,000

What's more, to get that figure I had to take the age adjusted suicide rate from [] and work back as the not only did the headlines use the less informative figure but the actual rates weren't reported either in the body of the articles I read or the linked CDC publication or the accompanying fact sheet.

Just what proportion of the readership are going to work that hard to get a true sense of perspective?


A very interesting statistic when advances in medicine and other technologies hold out hope for sufferers of many maladies and yet the hopelessness of despair must be underrated?


I can understand.


I am not surprised. As more and more resources flow up to the top 1%, where they are hoarded, that laves less resources and opportunities for people to be able to improve their lives.



It will be 5 years next month since my son committed suicide. He was manic depressive with an on and off heroin addiction. I think sometimes it just seems the easiest way to stop the pain for them.

I’m sorry for your loss.


I wonder if income inequality is partly to blame. If people can't find a good job that pays a living wage they give up. Maybe the lack of affordable health care is also a factor.

Possibly for some.
In my case, I’m on a small fixed income and insurance is woefully inadequate. Those are not usually reasons I get suicidal. I’ve struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts since age 17. I’m lucky: I have a few very supportive friends and family who I can reach out to.

Not in every instance. There have been many celebrities recently that have committed suicide, which means they are well off financially. Lack of money is not always a factor.

A lot of military guys and girls do this. Over qualified... I've heard that one myself.

Hang in there never know what great things will come your way ....soon.@CarolinaGirl60

@nicknotes Thank you, that’s already true. I’m glad to still be here?.

Nothing could be finer than to be in got it made. @CarolinaGirl60

@nicknotes ?. They wish they could all be..,Carolina girls?. Best in the world!


Are they counting the opioid deaths as suicides? Cause that would logically explain the rise

If it's from the CDC, I'm sure they are counting all suicide deaths.

Self inflicted doesn’t necessarily mean intentional.

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