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Should clinics be established to assist people who want to go ahead and die? They could go in a humane way at there own choosing. Some people are hurting mentally or physically so bad and have little or no hope that they wish to go on out. Mental anguish can be worse than physical pain. Life and death are one string anyway. Life is a terminal illness in itself. Some people believe we already allow assisted death in abortion clinics.

  • 90 votes
  • 3 votes
Grecio 7 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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Why only in clinics? I'd far rather have the mobile vet visit my home for me and die in my own place.

That said, I have a lot of chronic, painful conditions. None of them are killing me right now, but none of them are getting any better, either. Living with chronic pain is exhausting, and it really strips people of any will to live.


I so hope this will be available to me. I think I would prefer the comfort of my own home and bed for this to occur. Just prescribe the correct medicament and I'll keep it under lock and key until or if needed. However, should I suffer something debilitating.... that is a whole new ballgame.

We must all have advanced directives made.


Yes. I support both. Euthenasia and abortion.


On the other hand, what right does anyone have to tell someone that they have to stick around if they don't want to? Pain does not give life meaning, it just gives people pain.

The real concerns we should have about this is the inevitable misuse that will be attempted: mobster types telling people their spouses/younger family members will be killed if they don't get themselves to a clinic, things like that.


The vote today is 88-3 yes. I hope I will have a place to go when things get too bad for me. I don't like the idea of shooting myself in the head, which seems to be a popular method. We all have heard stories about people wishing to die when they are too sick. People beg their love ones to put them out of misery. I don't look at planned self determined suicide as a coward's way out. There is nothing coward about choosing to go on to the hereafter, whatever that happens to be. This Bible crap about taking your own life is a sin isn't worth considering.

Grecio Level 7 June 27, 2018

We had no choice in being here, we should have a choice in how long we stay.

LB67 Level 7 July 9, 2018
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