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What motivates you to make your life and others’ lives better?

Anybody have some practical advice to give for cultivating an ambitious, motivated mindset consistently? i have started progressively struggling with feeling driven to follow any interests or passions I have; unlike the immeasurably brilliant yet functional and well meaning individuals I view as intellectual super heroes and role models (and often am very jealous of for so many things). I desperately want to find something to give me a sense of purpose and value...but I often can’t get past the notion that looking is a waste of time that will end up fruitless. I also often struggle with the disparity I sense in trying to reconcile wanting to positively impact others around me and the fact that this attitude is just an arbitrary mindset I have with selfish motives at the base of it. Also a lot of ppl tend to affirm my theory that the bulk of the human race is a 💩 pile (yes boisterous street preachers and hipsters that know more about political correctness than politics, I’m referring to u) 🙄

ChaseMcKinley 4 June 11

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I can also say my kids are my principal motivators, but as they inch closer and closer to becoming adults, I now look towards a future for myself with fewer restrictions and barriers. Having a goal is a huge driver for me. I have reached the top of my ladder where I work, and I am already researching where to go next. Perhaps a PhD? This is something I couldn’t do now, but the kids will be grown before I know it, and then...maybe...

Hobbies are also important to one’s quality of life, in my opinion. People who spend all day parked in front of a tv wasting away depress me. I like to be working on something. A painting, a song, a project around the house...I guess you can say they are little goals too. I like working towards something to keep me going. I like to have something to look forward to in the future. A hiking trip or any trip really. I love to explore and travel and get out there in nature.

And then there is what I’m here for, which is to find someone with the same life goals to be my teammate. So I guess making someone special feel really happy is a part of personal happiness to me. I’m missing that, and I’m coming out of a nightmare mind fuck where I thought I had found my person that I was looking for, but instead I had found a wicked monster who’s goals seemed to be destroying my happiness instead of building it up. So be careful putting yourself out there, but I know that’s a big part of general life satisfaction.

As far as helping people, I love doing that too. I am a teacher now at a college and I have the same students for two solid years. I love that I get to teach them life lessons on top of the required lessons. It is very fulfilling. Have you ever thought of teaching? It’s not something I ever thought I would do. But I certainly do love it.


I don't think I think about it if someone is struggling with bags I help -if a child falls over and grazes its knee I clean it up and get a plaster- The simple things in life are often the easiest to do . I find it easy to be helpful without being intrusive. I disappear quite quickly to do my own things. Seems to work, no ones complained yet.

jacpod Level 8 June 18, 2018

A few people have an exotic destiny, for example Elon Musk. A few people have a vitrolic destiny, for example Trump. Everyone can live to make a better world by being kind. All you need to do is to be cordial with everyone. People are suffering from the criminal activities of the current administration in Washington, whether red or blue. At least, do not make anyone suffer, and if you can make someone smile, good for you. Your imagination and energy limit you from doing more. Don't fear failure. If you try and fail, you will have memories of an adventure. If you succeed don't let it spoil your life.

EdEarl Level 8 June 15, 2018

I had kids. Before that I just drank a lot and played video games. After having my oldest I went back to school, got my degree, changed my career, and slowly moved up the ladder. I know it's a cliche, but my kids gave me something to be someone for. I was never important to myself. Before them, just feeling good was enough.

Even though I have no children (or marriage prospects currently) for myself, I appreciate what you're saying. I definitely think if I really thought about it, a good bit of the dissatisfaction I feel could be coming from having a shorter range of focus in directing attention at myself and not other people.


I think that this can fall inside or outside of life purpose, to be honest. Not every type of person is going to be able to make the necessary changes to improve their life, nor will they be able to do it for others.

If people want to do this, I think the self-crit route is one good way, but it's possible to get seriously disabused by doing a thorough self-crit.


I live within my means. Treat others as I would like to be treated this makes me happy with my life. Make the best of things. Help others. I do not try to out do others and if I do make some extra money sometimes I splurge or give a needy person some money. Remember when you die you can't take anything with you. The real heaven is how people remember you after you are gone. The real hell is when people celebrate your death (glad you are dead). The goal to be richer than others is greed lack of humanity!


My motivation comes from within. That may sound selfish but it's not. If the impetus to effect change comes from an external, then it becomes a set-up for disappointment. My avenue is being an advocate for mental health awareness and life post-cancer, because those are issues I can speak about.


A long time ago I volunteered in a nursing home. It was only a few hours a week but it was really rewarding. When my mom and then later my dad were in nursing homes I always tried to visit other patients a little or volunteer on bingo nite. Maybe it did make me feel better about myself but what's wrong with that.
As far as hobbies, consider checking out your creative side even if it only taking photos with your cellphone and playing around with editing features.
What about volunteering at a pet shelter if you honestly believe people are poop piles.

That was a poop emoji??i thought it was for chocolate mousse. I was trying to show there was still hope and I like sweets so...?
While I do have a much easier time feeling love towards puppies than ppl much of the time, I do of course believe there are plenty of good ppl out there, and that’s very commendable (and I’m sure very appreciated) that you spent time time with ppl who may have been feeling scared of the unknown to come or just neglected. It’s just very easy to become short sighted or (as I call it) get pessimistic tunnel vision when bad things happen and ppl can’t even hold themselves accountable. Thanks for the encouraging/practical advice though!

@ChaseMcKinley oh that's funny about the emoji. Some people might think it was a Hershey Chocolate Kiss. I hear what you are saying about some people but my sincere feeling is that children, the elderly, and the disabled aren't usually responsible for what happens to them. Yep, some people are responsible for the poop in their lives and when they whine I don't listen.


Being a Sevite of the natural world from a kid I observed that everything works as a system to maintain balance...I always pledge to give the best of me in any circumstance. My life is gift, it's a composition composed just for me, a fine work of art by the great architect-author mission is to evolve and collectively participate in the evolutionary process of our species into the majestic creatures we have the potential to become.


Look for anyone who needs help and help them. Once you make the first step the rest is easy and the feeling is unmatched. Try it!

Nardi Level 7 June 11, 2018

Someone told me once, we all are rabbits chasing different carrots. Meaning, what works for me may not work for you. I can tell you this much though, once you find purpose then gates are open and the possibilities are endless. At my age, the one thing I wish for day in day out is to feel healthy enough to have energy to do the million things I still want to do everyday.


While you can look to others for inspiration, comparing is a bad idea. No matter what you do be it financial, spiritual, physical, someone else always has more or better, or both.

Compare yourself to you. Have you learned more? Progressed? Consistent and gradual, always aiming to do just a little more. It adds up.


Empathy. Unlike many others.

I agree with the philosophy of antinatalism, in that none of us had a choice in being here, and our self righteous culture has made it hard to exit.

So there are many people suffering in their own way. Trying to minimise their suffering is the most appropriate response, since we are all in this together.

Wow! Big hug @Ellatynemouth


Thank you. 🙂


That example looks like right ring propaganda. Antinatalism is a philosophical subject (see link below).

It's not teaching people to hate their families per se, though for some living miserable lives, that can be an outcome. This ties with the discussion about the increase in suicides.



I don't like to think of you, or anyone suffering so much. I'm sorry.


Giving makes me feel good and it makes others feel good...I am aware that part of the reason I am giving is for myself, but I'm OK with that. Ultimately, it positively impacts others and that is what I find most important. I try giving without expectation. If someone takes advantage of my kindness, that is on them, not me. I agree that there are some shitty people in our world, but I still believe that for the most part, people are good.


Money and sex usually does the trick for me !

I would drop money in a heartbeat ??

You a hot mess!????

Not yet, but getting there !

@Honey4Oshun, @IamNobody
Thats my boy !

@Honey4Oshun ha you don't know the half of it ??

Even a quater is enough !

@IamNobody bad Henry!!! ???

@AmelieMatisse ??????? ..... Well Henry is human too ????????

Henry Martini is a drink, ask James Bond ?

@IamNobody see... You did not know I'd catch you!! LOL

Yip, you bested me !

@AmelieMatisse ..... Henry got caught with both hands in the cookie jar.... Henry is grounded ...... Henry isthinking on what he have done.... Don't be like Henry ??? (I should be writing plays for Broadway !!! ???? ). Its all good my friend, I will behave, I promise (of course you can't tell if I was crossing my fingers) ?

@IamNobody Henry is a tricky fellow. Don't think too hard or you may come up with other nefarious things! ????

@AmelieMatisse No worries, Henry is still a nice guy ?

@IamNobody I am sure of that otherwise I would not be adopting you

@AmelieMatisse are the papers ready????? Henry is so happy !!! ..... And, on a serious note, I know you wouldn't otherwise ?

@IamNobody the attorney drawing up the papers is Rudy Giuliani. I'm sure everything will be fine. ???

@AmelieMatisse oh I am toasted..... Henry is depressed now.... ????????????

@IamNobody ??? you don't trust Rudy????

@AmelieMatisse why should I? I don't know him, he doesn't know me either. On top of everything, he is a lawyer... what's left to trust? ??

@IamNobody But - but--- Trump seems to think he's great. Shouldn't it be OK then?

@AmelieMatisse ahhhh.... I see what you're doing.... If Henry cares about someone then never discuss politics ??

@IamNobody LOL. Actually I am voting for Mickey Mouse next year - unless Mr. Rogers comes back from the dead and runs on the Neighborhood ticket. And if that happens and he wins the first thing we do is have "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" become the national anthem. Can't you just hear us all singing, "Won't you please, won't you please, Oh please won't you be my neighbor" (Can you tell that I am bored at work)

@AmelieMatisse ha ha ha... Amazing... Mr Rodgers. Those were the days, life was much simpler and definitely we need more of that today. Now I cannot stop singing that song in my head ?????. And if you are bored then Henry is always here to help !!


We're not here to do anything. Our only purpose in life is to be happy.

There's no god in the sky demanding anything of us..we're our own gods.


Find something you think had intrinsic value and multiply it, be it a hobby, or art, literature, whatever. Create beauty. Do it anonymously if you feel your motives are selfish. But add light to the world. Every candle counts.

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