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Sonic Booms: What are some things that are capable of making a sonic Boom?

My son (10 years old) said, "Hey dad, I watched a video about a whip making a sonic boom." I said, "I don't think so." Well he turned out to be correct (and yes, I told him he was correct and I was wrong).

Anyway, in my quest for knowledge I also learned that there was a least one type of dinosaur that could whip it's tail and make a sonic boom. Cool.

Do you know anything else that can make a sonic boom?

AstralSmoke 8 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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My dog's flatulence.


Thunder claps...and meteors....

Yea. You’re the first with lightning and thunder.


I've known men with gas that could



My ex on her way to Nordstrom with the card.



btroje Level 9 June 11, 2018

The tips of helicopter rotor blades. That ‘whop, whop, whop’ sound is repeated sonic booms.
Meteors, but too far up for us to hear. Usually.
Space craft launch vehicles, once they’ve got up to speed, but usually drowned out by engine roar.
Fighter aircraft and some missiles.
Bullets/shells from a gun.

Thanks, you have a good list


Concord used to, I think.

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