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Is religious eradication a step in the right direction?

Though a controversial subject, I often ponder the thought of a world without religion. Would this be a step in the right direction or do we need faith to propel humanity? I would love to hear your thoughts

WTFisADeity 3 June 12

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I think that a world without religion would still not run perfectly! Some people can take any idea and distort it...some have taken an idea and made it into cult...others another religion! Different people can take the same religious ideology and distort some of it’s teachings! Each religion tries to keep their’s pure...but it appears to be impossible to do! Because some dude/dudess will teach his/her specific interpretation which is a bit distorted and off you go...another person down the line from them...then alters it, again! Maybe, it serves humanity try and teach how to know what harms and what promotes mankind! But, even this can be distorted by certain personalities! That is my take on a world without religion...I simply do not want to be imprisoned or ostracized because of some religion!


I'm all for religion going the way of the dodo... I think it does much more harm than good. That being said, I'm all for people having freedom of religion. I just hope that someday humanity sits under an umbrella of sanity as religion fades away into the night.

This fine as poetry. But the dodo bird became extinct by murder and mostly sailors eating the captured or killed species. Greek giant icon Athena was raided for jewels and destroyed inside the Parthenon. The religions of Thor Zeus Venus Aphrodite were eradicated by xians and muslims. ...we need freedom FROM RELIGIONS in balance with freedom of non-violent faiths


It is very rare that anything involving the word eradication is a good thing. Even if you could be objectively proven that all current religions Run net loss to the system the world would still be poor for their absence. The point is not to eradicate religion but rather to get religious individuals to more properly integrate to the rest of society. So they may maintain their cultural beliefs without it being detrimental to the rest of us.

Eradicating disease is common now the theocracy has been dejure illegal in USA. .....IT IS A good thing for Atheists to shame believers like good people shamed the KKK terrorists into their secret cross burnings. ....promoting science and preventing RITUAL PReYER & REVERENTIAL BIBLE READING has been the dejure STARE DECISIS since Murray v Curlett is always a bad thing to make hell threats heaven bribes amputate prepuce labia and clitoral flesh under the lies called religious freedom. ....

@GreenAtheist I agree with a lot of what you're saying here, and I specifically agreed that we should never allow the faithful to hide their disgust or crimes or bigotry underneath their faith. That all have even said to treat them all collectively as enemies doesn't feel right to me.


I don't know about faith being needed to propel humanity, but I think religious eradication is a philosophy that shouldn't be even thought about. My opinion is one of religious privacy. It should never enter into government or politics in any way. Keep it to your damn self
Looking back on religious eradication through history, it has never ended well. The crusades, the Spanish inqisition, the Roman empire, Hitler. I don't think this is a can of worms that we should even consider opening. Regardless of our views. All these groups thought they were 100% in the right too.


Religion will not die with a bang, but with a whimper. It is already diluting itself, and in a thousand years or so I expect it to be consigned to the fringes of society, the province of crackpots.

In the meantime, I actually think if religion didn't die an organic, natural death, it would be too traumatic for society. Nor would I ever advocate denying others the right to choose their beliefs. They have to choose their unbeliefs too.

There's an old saying, "god has no grandchildren". It's intended to mean that everyone has to find god for themselves, you can't do it for, say, your children. I'm afraid that's equally true for figuring out that god is an imaginary being. Since we're born with innate tendencies and vulnerabilities (especially, we aren't born usually with a predisposition to critical thinking) -- we have to earn our intellectual freedom. Both as individuals, and as societies. That takes time. Humanity is still climbing out of a very deep hole of ignorance and superstition, and has a ways to go yet. We've been this way since the dawn of time, and have only been making discernible progress for the past 300 years or so. It needs more time.


I rather keep most of those people busy at their churches than having them roaming on the free world.
If they don't have their religion they will find other crazy things to do.

legna Level 4 June 12, 2018

Faith is believing in something without evidence or in spite of evidence to the contrary. Faith is what children use to believe Santa Claus exists. Should adults use this same method to believe anything? I don't think so!

Religion is different than faith. People use faith to believe their religion. Religion tries to provide mankind with guidance for a good life based on parables and myths (believed to be true though faith).

I think we need to replace religion with something better. Evidence based truth.

As you said there's a difference between religion and faith. It is very difficult to find any legitimate value to Faith within a scientific mindset and world, that having been said religion can still be a value particularly when the religious are willing to integrate their religious practices without the idea that Dogma is factually and scientifically accurate.

Who are the “we” who are going to do the replacing? Each person has to decide privately, and that decision is no one else’s business.

@WilliamFleming : You're right. Everyone should decide for him/her self. It's just my opinion that evidence based thinking should replace blind faith. That is my thought on how to propel humanity.


I absolutely think religion needs to go, HOWEVER, "eradication" implies a deliberate and possibly forceful removal and that can never happen. People must learn to reject religion. Eventually, it will be forgotten like all other mystical belief.


It absolutely would be a step in the right direction. Not by force or anything. But yeah, get the commandments the hell out of courthouses, as the 1st of them directly contradicts the 1st Amendment. Restore the pledge to being absent the mention of god, and take "in god we trust" back off of our money, teach evolution, comparative religion, and critical thinking skills. ASAP we need to get to the point where openly Atheist politicians can be elected and those that are religious are in the minority. It will be a magnificent achievement.


Getting rid of conservative religious systems makes more sense, since they seem to ruin every election, and they abuse people who disagree with them or don't obey their norms in their communities.

Otherwise, religion can be an outlet for education. For example, I learn about some very interesting concepts in nature by reading jewish philosophy, and I think there is more to be gleaned from religious philosophy.


The thing that would be worse than enduring the religious would be to inflict thought control. If I have to put up with god botherers and wingnuts in order to preserve everyone's freedom to think and decide for themselves, then so be it. Small price to pay.

Deb57 Level 8 June 13, 2018

As the late Alan Coombs said: " I fight fire with water, not more fire." To be liberal is to liberate. The lies that religious terrorists, like Rush LimpBOSS says we Atheists are communists seeking to enslave. Fake news is constantly spewing "thoughts and prayers" to victims of religious violence


Freedom from religion is in my opinion, very important. But,the important word here is 'freedom;' that includes the freedom to be religious. i don't necessarily want to end all religion, but want a world where we are all free to choose and not to suffer at the hands of others for our choices.

StJohn Level 6 June 13, 2018

This suggestion that "religion" can be eradicated is as evil as religion itself. Similar to the goal of eradication of cannibalism, cannibals are rare but do eat humans in isolated incidents.
Simply put, I have NEVER attempted to "deprogram" Moonies or any religionist. My lifelong Atheism only exists within my mind.
I have zero desire to interrogate any believer and employ any method to remove beliefs from any brain.
Our Atheism is falsely defined by Christian Webster dictionaries and we should always rebel from the notion we are "deniers."
The religious concept of theism = delusion. Magical thinking. UNscientific.
Nonetheless, only the believer can best reason upon the brainwashings of childhood or coerced cult fears: hell threats, heaven bribes or conspiracy to replace biology with creationism.
Albania or Soviets never eradicated religion.
Seized religious property or money did go to housing feeding and educating Albanians or people within Soviet Union borders. Suggestions to the contrary are pure McCarthyistic propaganda designed to eradicate Atheism.
As a patriot and veteran I gave my life career to defend our gawdless CONSTITUTION.
ZERO mention of the non-word "god" appears in our USA highest law. Article 6 is abosolute: " religious test shall ever be required for any office or public trust under these United States."
People have a right to be wrong in their minds.
We Atheists have our facts and believers have their faiths. Both kinds of people are restrained by law from harming others or "establishing religion."
And we are free to exercise the imagination of delusion "thereof."
Count me out of this suggestion to interfere in any way with private non-violent believers.


Well, helping atheism and sensible thought is one thing, but there's no need to eradicate the religious.

Denker Level 7 June 13, 2018

Need to impose a will!!! Priceless.


Indeed it is a pox on humanity and needs to go away. Even those who claim benefit from it are doing so based on nothing so why glorify nothing! Hypocrisy abounds in believers so it also means supporting a belief few, if any, can live up to so why pretend!


It’s already been tried and it didn’t work out. Leave people alone.


It couldn't hurt at this point. SInce the world is so screwed up as it is.


Religion was eliminated or drastically curtailed in Russia, the SSR’s, China, North Korea, Cuba, Cambodia, and other places. So far as I can see life was not made better in those places through the elimination of religion and imposition of state sponsored atheism. IMO life is better in places where there is freedom to hold whatever opinions one wishes on religion or any other topic.

A person’s religious sentiments are based on his or her own private contemplation and experience. No one else should concern themselves. How would the government know if a person was having religious thoughts? What would be the punishment?

I thought atheism was supposed to be just the absense of belief and that atheists do not say that they believe there is no God. This ploy is supposed to relieve them of the so-called “burden of proof”. Why then have so many atheists leapt into the arena to slug it out with their opponents in an effort to impose their ideology on society?


I don't believe that will ever happen.


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