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Do you have a tattoo?

Ok. So no doubt, some of you have seen another thread about tattoos....

As a result, I would like to conduct a poll, to determine where the position of the majority of our group.

Please vote. I am genuinely interested in seeing the results. If you do, could you please comment, indicating where it is/they are; can it be easily covered by shorts/short-sleeved shirt, or can be covered by trousers/skirt/long-sleeved shirt, or is it a face/neck/hand tattoo?

Thanks in advance for sharing. 🙂

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Kreig 7 Dec 25

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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Come close... but changed my mind. All those very good ones are going to fade into each other as the person gets older.


As I stated on a previous post I'm not into tatoos.


no tattoos even if as a child learned how to do them "prison style". I come from a rough but real neighborhood so because I have the skill of drawing down since my first crayon it was a natural progression to me to learn with a newspaper, a can, water, needles, matches, a rag and alcohol to learn the skill in case I ever go to prison. Never been arrested... WHAT A WASTE OF MY TIME DURING CHILDHOOD!!!! by the way no earrings or piercing of any kind.

@Plainjane we burned the paper in the can... black ashes you add a bit of water and you got ink. I even knew what was the best newspaper for the activity. You are not Plain anymore Jane!!!! You BadAss Jane!!!! ...And I Salute You with Admiration.


No. I never saw the point.


I have NO on my wrist which was what I never had in my life before, I was in my fifties and I was a first timer.I wanted a NO for myself. We went together my partner and I to support me because of the underlying burning bit Its halfway up my arm and the width of my wrist. It gives me confidence that I know what I have up my sleeve.The Tattooist looked at it very carefully summing up what he could do.My partner was with me all the way and I think I might have gone white at some point but didn't want to stop.So my NO surrounded by little leaves picked out is here to stay. I don't cover it up for anybody

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