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Is there such a thing as business ethics?

Is it different than personal ethics?

atheist 8 Dec 26

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The statistics do not lie, if you were born into a poor familiy, you are likely to be poor, it's the "Lucky Sperm Club", just because someone teaches "success" doesn't mean everyone can play. A lot of people are too poor to even get to the Success Seminar or get out of town so, I go by science and stats. The poor have a tough time getting out.


Business ethics went out the window back in the 80's when greed began to take precedence over striving to be exceptional at something and allowing money and fame to grow through effort and hard work.

As a result, genuine genius and ingenuity has been replaced with cut throat privateering. Gifted individuals of principle and integrity have been replaced by con men and charlatans who are better snake oil salesman than they are entrepreneurs.

There's a big difference between greed and the drive to succeed. Greed destroys capitalism. The drive to succeed causes it to thrive.

With greed, accumulation of money and power by any means neccessary becomes the primary goal. Only those who are willing to cut anyone's throat in order to hoard the most money and power rise to the top. Having money and power for the sake of having money and power destroys capitalism because capitalism depends upon the availability of superior products and a large consumer base to purchase them. This ensures a healthy and lucrative market place.

Don't mistake capitalism for plutocratic oligarchy. They are not the same thing. The former is an indication of a healthy economy. The latter is the sign of an economy which is eating itself from the tail up.


I was just talking about this last night. You start down that rabbit hole that is economics, and money becomes the totem of worship. They had to include Business Ethics as a requirement for Business and Economics degree to offset the amorality of cash flow worship...hehe


Of course there is such a thing. The problem is finding an example where it is being used.


There is such a thing as business ethics but it can be hard to find a company that is run in an ethical way. Anymore, most companies only care about the bottom dollar and not about doing what is right by either employees or their customers!


Yes, there certainly are business ethics, particularly in the not for profit sector though even a for pro fit business can operate ethically. I mostly take ethical to mean socially and environmentally responsible when it comes to business.


Sure there is, and there are those corporations that prove it all the time. Take for example the corporations that have publicly vowed they will take at least part to their huge tax cut that Trump gave them and funnel it back to workers by way of pay increases and bonuses. Wells Fargo, Comcast, Fifth-third Bank and AT&T are just a few. Also, the corps that pledged they will adhere to the Paris accord even though Trump the Lump pulled us out of it. There are some examples, but admittedly, too few and far between!!

I believe that these ethical moves by really huge corporations are a recent trend. The fastest way to unify people is to have a common enemy. Trump fits that bill, even with large corporations!

I know, it pains me to give them any credit for anything, but the truth is the truth. Maybe they are trying to redeem themselves. I don't know. The fact that you are belittling these companies when you have no idea how much they will be spending on their employees is disappointing. Comcast and AT&T have pledged $1000 bonuses to a great number of employees. And others are raising their minimum wage to $15. If you prop that up against "no one gets anything" I think the difference is clear. I'm not supporting big corporations at all, but when they do try to do the right thing, even for the wrong reasons, I think it's noteworthy. Mostly because it's very rare!


I for one believe that there is ..but have encountered some shady ppl down here in Floriduh... for the most part the ones I deal are good..


Unfortunately, all too often, the answer is no. For far too many businesses, what goes is limited only by what they can get away with without going to jail. Some do really try, though.


Absolutely not go into any car dealership and you will find out that Christians have no ethics business or personal.

P.s. living in the bible belt I'm just assuming almost every white person I deal with is christian including the car dealing scum I have dealt with in the past few months


Look at Walmart. Look at the difference between when Sam Walton ran it and now that the bean counters have taken over. Sam had ethics. Bean counters only look at profits, and often short sightedly.


Not anymore

It would make an interesting research project to discover how many companies are in the 'minority' because they refuse to deal with manufacturers that employ slave labor. I wonder has the number grown or diminished during the past decade


Unfortunately, "business ethics" are more defined more by what is legal, rather than what is fair, right or moral, which makes it seem like they really don't have any ethics at all in practice. Some businesses don't even bother with what is or isn't legal and have no ethics at all.


As far as I'm concerned, there may be if the business is a sole proprietor. Corporations run on the same model: Generate as much income, in the shortest time possible, at the least cost/effort. That's the model that produces pollution, greed, corruption, dominance, monopolies...and Apple!


ethics is a bunch of rules that guide human behavior in a particular field. Every business therefore has ethics, it might be badly designed ones that are immoral, but if they have any rules they have ethics.

The reason for rules is fairly self-evident, I cannot imagine a game that has no rules. Rules define the limits of the game and the permitted moves..🙂


There should be, however I've heard tRUMP didn't have a single one. LOL


Oxymoron like FBI Intelligence, FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, Department of Public Safety, "Homeland Security", sounds all ginger bready. Nope. We are farmed like ants.

@KevinJohnston It may be untrue on the planet where you live but for planet earth capitalism is built on the backs of the working class and oppressed people internationally! The only ethics is scrounging after the highest rate of profit and humankind be damned!!!


Yes. I took a class on it in grad school. IRRC though, as with anything business, it's more about following the laws and avoiding liability and real financial penalty, where as personal ethics are more about doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing.

Gener Level 5 Dec 26, 2017
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