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Do you think some people are luckier? What is luck? Have you ever faced a situation wherein you thought you ought to have got that thing which someone else got for no reason at all?

Srijith 7 Dec 26

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Some folks make good decisions, some make poor ones. In the end the ones making the good decisions will win.

gearl Level 8 Dec 26, 2017

Well said. Thanks for the reply


I think life is chaos, and sometimes the dice roll in our favor, and sometimes they roll against us.
My brother-in-law, a Marine, was killed in the C-130 that broke apart over Mississippi. What are the odds of that happening? (I suck at math, so I can't really say, but I know that they're extremely low. And yet it happened.) Yet, out of all the ways to die, there it is.

We need "reasons," even though the world in which we live is adamantly opposed to giving us those reasons. So we make them up.

If I may quote the Dread Pirate Roberts... a.k.a. Wesley: "Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."

Great way of putting it. Thank you for your time


I honestly used to think my (bad) karma was instant. If I laughed at someone who'd popped a tire, mine was flat within a few miles. If i said something bad about someone, I would hear something negative about myself within a few hours. I know there are logical explanations, but geez! Mind you, if I did something good for someone, THAT karma just rode my shoulders for a while and sailed away on the wind.

Ha ha... That's very true.


No it takes work. A plan. TThat's how I was Salesperson of the Year in 2008 for Gund, Inc. Facts and figures.

No substitute for work and plan.


Luck is a concept out of the Middle Ages, Northern Europe. It’s akin to fate.

But did spread to the rest of the world...

Not really


If I want something, I'll buy it. I can finance myself. I don't think others are luckier than me. I tend to get good luck. People are jealous of me. They say I'm lucky. I work hard and save money. That isn't luck. I workout my body, they say I'm lucky to be thin. No, I once to was huge. I just was in a bad place in life when I became huge. I removed myself from the situation and lost the weight quickly. I think luck can mean different things for others.

Very true.




An interesting question and I am happy to share my thoughts on it.. If your friend wins that lottery you might be inclined to say that he is 'lucky.' However, it is a mathematical certainty that sooner or later every set of numbers will be a winning set. The problem is that it is an indeterminate time interval....

Well said..


I think 'Not really'. Luck is something we seem to evaluate backwards in time - something happens a near shave and we might think 'boysadearie!' that was a 'lucky' escape when in reality it was an escape pure and simple and we just perceived it as lucky. Other times we perceive ourselves as unlucky when its just random and we might say "I never have any luck!" But in that moment we arent looking inside of ourselves for a more real explanation its simpler to say I am always unlucky/lucky it would be really hard ot do a complete analysis so we use the term luck (I think) in a lazy sort of way as it 'sort of' explains something to us that lets us off the hook. It wasnt anything to do with me it was lucky/unlucky.


I think I am extremely lucky. I express this sometimes by introducing myself as God's Favorite Atheist.

Ha ha.. Thanks for the reply.

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