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What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own / owned?

The one you put on like an old friend or for instant swagger.

AmiSue 8 June 15

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When I was 21 and a goth, I owned a full-length black velvet cloak with silk lining. It truly was a remarkable piece of clothing. Later, when I first landed myself a well-paid job, I went out and bought a charcoal grey lambs wool Brooks Brothers coat - and nowadays I try not to remember how much it cost.

My favourite of all, however, remains my gold shoes. They don't fit me and I can never wear them, but they were very cheap in a sale and I like having them just to look at.

Jnei Level 8 June 15, 2018

I have a $200.00 pair of ankle stiletto black boots that I got at Goodwill (A 2nd hand charity store in the USA) for $4.00. I will never be able to walk in them but I have them on a shelf so I can look at them. It gives me pleasure to do so.

@Stacey48 Oh, I adore peacoats! They're the perfect item of clothing - they can look very smart or, worn with jeans and (ideally) vintage shoes stylish, or casual. I think the main reason I love winter so much is I can wear one every day!

Velvet silk lined coat. J. Peterman Company comes to mind.

@Stacey48 Combat boots are another item of clothing that goes well with absolutely anything. 20 years ago I used to buy them for next to nothing on army surplus market stalls; these days they seem to cost a fortune - I can only assume I made them trendy and the price went up as a result!

@Stacey48 I accept the blame!

@Countrywoman Epic win, even if you can never wear them! We are kindred spirits 🙂


For me it was a pair of socks with robots on them. Don't know why, just loved them.


An old Army issue field jacket.
Perfect for fall/winter outside wear.
Long gone as I wore it out.

I used to have an ankle-length Swedish Army officer's greatcoat with brass buttons bearing the Swedish three crown emblem, which I got for £10 from an army surplus shop (my ex called army surplus shops "Jnei traps" - I can't walk past one without going in and getting some cash out) - but I loaned it to a Rastafarian guy and he looked better in it than I did, so I let him keep it.


My leather jacket. It's been a constant in my life for the last 25 years.


I had an old Allman Brothers Band tour t-shirt. I wore it for years. It was threadbare at the end and I used it as a night shirt and then became bedding for the dog. She loved it.


A ridiculously large and bright sun hat. It marks the moment I realized I didn't give a F what others thought, I'm more concerned with functionality.


The gym shirt I was issued my freshman year of high school. I accidentally received an odd shirt from the stack that ended up soft as silk after years of washing. My oldest absconded with the shirt when we found it 30 years later, and it became her favorite shirt, as well.


Right or wrong, every piece has a story.......


A Raggamuffin crew poloshirt. (Racing maxi yacht),


When I was a teenager I had a plain gray sweatshirt that I decorated with a flower design with fabric paint. Wore it until it literally became threadbare. These days, it's a comfy pair of jeans.


I have an old football practice shirt from HS. Whenever I get sick that's what I wear.


Blue chambray shirts I ordered from the marlboro country store long ago. I had two of them, wore them both out. My marlboro denim jacket also, wore it till the cuffs fell off and it fell apart.
My new fav is a pair of Corcoran Tanker boots, instant swagger.


Only "one" piece? Not possible. My favorite outfit is slim stretchy dark wash denim jeans, a stretchy v-neck t-shirt that fits and a pair if suede chukka boots. I'm ready to face the world now.


My 6 foot long knitted hat I finished just in time for fall last year.


Army PT cap. Best winter hat I have ever owned.


I have a blouse that I only wear on New Years Eve, It has metallic thread throughout, with many different patterns & colors. Very psychedelic. Scratchy to wear but once a year I endure. Then there is a dress I wore only once to a wedding but it is so lovely with paiselys & birds & colors I just can't let it go. It is 45 years old & I can still wear it. Then there is my dashiki from Nigeria that was a gift. It is black & gold & stays in style thru the ages. My Afghan coat.


That is really really tough. I suppose the most treasured thing, though I don't wear them anymore, is a pair of old Levis that are threadbare from the pockets to The Shins. for some reason my father had gone shopping while my mother was in the hospital establishing my birthday. I think I decided to show up much quicker than they anticipated. men weren't allowed in the delivery rooms in those days I don't believe. it was on that shopping trip that he bought those jeans.

@AmiSue those expectations can get you in trouble...lolol.. glad you enjoyed it ?



Coldo Level 8 June 15, 2018

Mine was a Seventies leather safari type jacket. I bought it in a vintage shop for £30. It got nicked on a night out in Leeds about ten years ago?


Hard to decide, I love all of my dresses.
It's all I wear, unless is a short skirt.


Shorts and a t-shirt..... if It's cold out, long johns under my shorts and a sweatshirt over my t-shirt


My favorite was a scarf which I wore all the time, even if it wasn't suiting my general outfit. It was a gift, but I really liked it and looked very cool as well. It's already old and I am not using it anymore, but I am still keeping it as a memory, can't find a decent replacement for it. I love the new trends as well, but the classic style attracts me more. I am using a lot of coupons & deals when I go shopping, so I can buy more clothes for the amount of money that I would spend without using any coupons.


Hoodie, whichever one I'm currently sporting.

I just posted yesterday on FB that hoodies are the sexiest things ever.

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