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What attracts you to people?

To connect with them or have a conversation, either in freindship or romantic interest. I might start with the physical, but what brings depth to the attraction for you?

Stacey48 8 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Looks aside, looks mean diddly squat if there's nothing else, it's probably sense of humour and specifically how they react to mine. If there's no connection or reaction, even a smidgy one, then there's nothing to move on with 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 June 17, 2018

When I start talking to them, we just sort of "click" -- we just seem to "get" each other and enjoy each other's company. No other way to explain it.


I will ogle an adonis, however I will truly look at carriage and interaction.


You just click really

@Stacey48 definitely


Just a quick brain dump in no specific order... Kindness. Thoughtfulness. Empathy. Confidence. Wit. Intelligence. Sense of humor. Humility. Respect. Energy. Curiosity. Adventurousness. Multi-talented. Etc...


There has to be some physical attraction but in order to keep my interest a woman would have to be engaging. React to things that I say with their own opinion and thoughts, really talk to me, be real and open. Be able to keep up with me in conversation and be able to go with the flow. Finally, have a sense of humor, play off me and run with it, be open minded and flirt.

@Stacey48 Agreed, I or any man should make the woman feel comfortable to be herself.


Simplicity and humour - I really like people who I can laugh with and who have a wicked sense of humour .These days I want friendship and I have it but find it amazing that if I am being intimate and laughing with someone - other people appear and try to get us on a downer by telling a story that is doom laden and they have this 'voice' that carries you to desperation. so I like to only be talking to one person at a time and having a good laugh or cry or whatever but i hate others coming in and manipulating the atmosphere for what they want - I think if a couple of people are laughing let them be! my freind is over 80 and i am 70 at our age I think we know what we want.

jacpod Level 8 June 15, 2018

They smile easily, laugh heartily. They are comfortable with themselves. They like to be outside and are not pretencious.

That's it


Level of intelligence and common interests. If you like to read books (and not crap like Nora Roberts or Dean Koonts) and know more about George Carlin than you do about the Kardashians then I am instantly attracted. I also, like others, desire someone with a good sense of humor who doesnt get offended easily and can add witty comebacks or begin a new interesting topic of conversation. Being non-religious is a big plus too.


Intellect and a winning smile.

t1nick Level 8 June 15, 2018

Thinking skills plus emotional responsibility.

skado Level 9 June 15, 2018

Physical is a factor. Intelligence, humor, and some common ground.


A little story:
I noticed while still quite young, that I was drawn to intelligence before "attractiveness".
For those familiar, in the original Scooby-Doo cartoon, there were 2 females.
The "attractive but not so bright" Daphne, and Velma, who always figured out the mystery by the end if the show (smart).
I was more attracted to Velma, than to Daphne. Velma was portrayed as a little overweight, and somewhat plain "looking".
Romantically, I'm attracted to acumen,then.

Agamic Level 6 June 16, 2018

Their mind


I got to meet the creator of verbal advantage. Charles Harrington Elster. He's a brilliant thinker and I was feeling passion for the first man after I transitioned because of his mind. He was married so I could never and left my feeling pass as it wouldn't have been right to pursue.


Well good personality and common interests help things along, someone who shows they care for others besides themselves


Civility and manners.


Bright eyes and kind words


Right now? Dark hair and sunglasses 🙂

gater Level 7 June 15, 2018

It starts with a physical attraction, but soon after there must be a personality behind that face, in particular intelligence and a sense of humor. To maintain the spark there has to be a willingness to share through good communication skills.


Ok I was kidding around a little there... The absolute truth for me is... that the real depth is genuinely beyond the looks, but don't be fooled, looks are important too, but never as important as women think....
The trick is to marry your best friend, in my case she was good looking, curvy in all the right places, could put up with my sense of humour, and was able to be my friend too.
Beyond the looks and attractiveness barrier...the real hinge and anchor is sincerely truth and honesty.. It always comes back to that.

@Stacey48. Funny you should say that..
My wife tells me the exact same thing..??


Dark hair, sunglasses, a nice smile........?

Parich Level 4 June 15, 2018

Body gets my attention, personality gets my curiosity.


Of course there is the physical, but that can go right out the window if they are slightly more intelligent than the window mentioned.


First looks for a short time,them personality.

Coldo Level 8 June 15, 2018

For a friendship, humor and like mindedness. For a realationship, chemistry, and l can't explain that.

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