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Having recently "come out of the closet" so to speak in admitting to being a non-believer, I have yet to encounter a believer who will try to use logic to show that I am on the wrong path. They always try to quote the scripture that I have so hard of a time accepting any more. Some things never change, eh?

tioteo 8 Dec 27

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Yes they have a bad habit of saying the Bible says this and the Bible says that never questioning the validity of this nonsense.It just goes to show you what brainwashing can do to someone ,and in a lot of cases these are intelligent individuals


Being a cultural Jew-they don't quote the Bible-they know nada about the book.




There IS logic, but it is just really bad logic starting with a false premise: Throw out any thougjt whatsoever that any other faith paradigm might be "the Truth!" Then claim if their religion is wrong, you have nothing to lose in following it (they are only consideting questions of afterlife, none about wasting the actual life you have). If their belief is right, then you are risking eternal damnation (we're already in a damn' nation, if you ask me, ha!) If you reject their belief. BOOM! Logic. Lol

When they make the argument about "what have you got to lose by following our religion?" they actually miss the point, which is whether their belief in God and Christianity is actually true. Also, trying to make that argument shows a lack of interest on their part in integrity and consistency of of belief.

@MST3K They probably don’t understand that if they ‘decide’ to ‘be a Christian’ to cover their bases, it doesn’t qualify them as legit Christians according to the Bible, and they’re still going to Hell.

Isn’t it crazy to base your life on a book that you never read?


They have no logic. I asked my wife why she believes in god, and she says "it gives people hope". I don't even know what that means. I asked her, but she couldn't give me much info on what she means by that.

They’re afraid of what happens after they die. They hope they’ll get that magical heaven and live happily ever after.


that's the whole thing, in a nutshell, there is no proof


Religion is “Totalitarian Law”, there is no logic in anything that claims to be absolute. If a believer leaves scripture, they become lost and fearful; therefore, regardless of how absurd they have to stick to the book.

For many religious people, their faith is based on an unquestioning acceptance of authority, and they are indeed taught to not question critically,and that to doubt or question their religious beliefs is wrong.


They use the same ancient and faulty logic because they cannot catch up with the times or are too deep into their congregation to become honest.


It's their only weapon. Get used to it. Logic, reason, etc. are in antithesis to faith. (Bad grammar?)

"are antithetical too"

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