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QUESTION What is your personality type?

Anytime I have taken a questionnaire to determine my personality type, it's always been INTJ. Some people's differ. At least I am consistent. 😉

MyLiege 7 Dec 28

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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INFP-A "The Mediator".

Duke Level 8 Dec 28, 2017

Okay, I took the test, then again about 15 minutes later after the questions & my first answers marinated in my brain. I found myself changing almost every previous answer, which indicates Ieither I am too weird to even take it, or it can be answered by anyone many different ways depending on what has transpired lately. For one example, do not we all get frazzled going to holiday parties and then treasure our alone time in between them right about now?


Flaming type A disguised as kindly, benevolent control freak with manners.
What is this test & "acronyms" you are all talking about?

Click on the link above in the description of the question. This gives you a test to complete.


INTJ for me as well.




What is INTJ?

"The Architect" (Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judgment)--

Oh, okay.


Try this one. I read the intro to the other one and it is quite flawed. Kiersey spearheaded the Myers-Briggs Temperament uhhh I'm gonna say Inventory way back when. Myers and Briggs are two women, not one.


This test is crap. There is no way there are that many Ns. I think like 20-25% of everyone is an N. Everyone here is an N. No way.

Ok. Thanks.

Took it. Still INTJ. 😉

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