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Triple digit IQ's

I have come to the opinion that only people with double digit IQ's will brag about having triple digit IQ's.

What do you think? True or False?

Normanbites 7 June 20

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Statistically speaking, I know every single person on the planet with a 180+ IQ. I'm pretty sure at least one of them might be lying...

It's been a while since I studied statistics, but since the average is 100 and standard deviation is 15, a 180 is 5.333σ above mean. In a normal distribution, I think approximately 1 in 40,000,000 will be above that. With 7.6 billion people in the world, there should be about 190 with IQs above 180.

@cmadler That is another myth about IQ scores. It is assumed there is a standard scale of IQ scores. There isn't. The only thing that is standardized is the score of 100 is the mean.

Beyond that a score of 90 on one test might be 80 or 100 on another test. And that doesn't even discuss the inherent biases in the testing.


One of my best friends is Mensa, over 130, he does not have a problem showing his card.

Secondly, they set the median high school graduation at 100. Anything below 80 is mentally challenged. 100 to 110 are every day clerks and workers. 110 - 120 are basic managers, need to have a 120 or higher to get on a sub, so now you are at uper level managers, college BA, teachers ect. 130 IQ doctors, lawyers, ceo of large corporations, borderline genius. 140 or 142 Genius IQ starts. Intelligent Quotient. Albert Einstein was a 160.

You can postulate on the rest.

Etre Level 7 June 20, 2018

Don't recall seeing anything like this before .

@Cast1es not sure I follow, taken from first hand knowledge and Dr. Jordan Peterson.

I don't believe that how high school graduation is achieved, anywhere. I know for a fact that is not how job roles are determined. Additionally, if you have read any articles on the accuracy of IQ measurements, you would know what it actually measures is a matter of great debate.

Those are hypothetical of IQ levels and the types of employment. Mr. I know for a fact. Those came from a Dr. Peterson lecture. And yes you need about a 120 IQ to captain a sub. 2ndly you are not neurophysiologist. The brain waves of higher level conscious beings are different. We are not just talking about fluid intelligence here. Wake up. Quit complaing. Show me your Calculus. These are currently the tests we have, they have worked or been used for sometime. Here something for you challenge someone with a Genius IQ to a conversation, see what path you fail to follow into infinitisimal planck lengths. You have spent 30 40 years in the cognitive sciences, you have a Doctorate. And you really know what you are talking about.

Oh and yes they set the bar at 100 , they try to graduate the commons around , some are more, some are less. I was GT, so that should tell you something. Artistic Higher IQ people, Arts Magnet., Blochscholar, National Deans List, Magna Kum Cum Laude, Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Epsilon Rho. I am musically compositional, I several instruments, i have performed in 5 different languages, and i majored in French.

Im sure a , 110, even a 120 IQ could do that on an inversed exponential equation.

I forgot to mention I have over 3.5 octaves in my vocal range. The Great guys have 4 to 6.

Im not crying.

@Etre Yep!! You are the kind of guy I was talking about. You are bragging about having a triple digit IQ and even trying to support your arguments with it.

Therefore, your IQ is obviously in the double digit range.

you sir are moron. I will meet in any type of academic debate that so choose. However computer science is not my field. secondly, I do not think you get it, below 100 to 80 are lowest level jobs basic store clerks that never move up. below 80 is mentally challenged. I have written extensively on this sight, I think the evidence speaks for itself. I am bilingual, I have worked in several languages, i play several instruments. I am musically compositional.

I do not have to prove anything to you. those who are apart of Gifted and Talented programs, Arts Magnet schools ect... know what I speak of .... you are inept. A squeaky wheel that places judgement on facts he knows nothing about.

secondly i was stating facts not bragging, you so blatantly put it out their that you knew what you were talking about, so.... I just showed some credit, some facts, some Honors.

I do not think you understand or know what Honor is!

shall we go again?? Normanbites??

a double digit IQ could not communicate in the context or manner of syntax that I communicate with. Good Luck to You.

Please come again, I love to play fools in the rain.

@Etre I bet you print your own diplomas as well.

why would I print my own diploma, I only have one.

that is also lying and dishonorable.

@Etre So, let me explain my objection more clearly just for you:

IQ purports to measure the ability to learn ... not the actual amount of knowledge attained. And these tests are neither standardized nor very good at what they do.

The idea that jobs and educational attainment is based on IQ scores is patently absurd.

Also, ideas stand or fall on their own merit. Not on the IQ, credentials, authority, or even popularity of the persons promoting the idea.

That's why bragging about an IQ score is something losers do.

Get it? Bet not!!

IQ is not just about ones ability to learn. Actually that is one of the definitions of the term Intelligence. Fluid, Spacial, Verbal, ... several different types, agreed.... standard IQ test also measures knowledge that a person possesses. Do you not see mathematical equations on IQ tests? Do IQ test not ask questions that are historical in nature?

I think you summation is based on inference.

secondly, jobs are not based on IQ scores, you got that all wrong.... ok..... what that is stating is that a human being with type of intelligence quotient will be found working that type of job on an average basis. So lets square that up. I never stated. Doctor Peterson goes over this in his lectures.

your concept about ideas i agree with. but you challenged IQ and people with high IQ... so I was just stating fact. I have already proven my worth in society. I do not go around talking about my achievements unless i deem it necessary to combat ignorance.

@Etre The equations are in IQ tests only because they are knowledge than can be acquired at various ages. The scoring of the test then takes into account the age of the subject at the time of the test and the age at which that scrap of knowledge is expected to be acquired.

And again, these test methods are inherently biased and not very good at what they are designed to do.

You are now claiming that you never said anything like this: " ..... they set the median high school graduation at 100. Anything below 80 is mentally challenged. 100 to 110 are every day clerks and workers. 110 - 120 are basic managers, need to have a 120 or higher to get on a sub, so now you are at uper level managers, college BA, teachers ect. 130 IQ doctors, lawyers, ceo of large corporations, borderline genius. 140 or 142 Genius IQ starts....."

May I remind you, your words are above where anyone can review them?

And ONCE AGAIN IQ is not a measure of the amount of knowledge a person has acquired. The tests are given at early ages to assess a child's ability to learn and they are not good at that.

In YOUR case in particular, I would wager you scored a high IQ at an early age, surmised that you have learned all you needed to and so stopped learning because you were already "smart". This is one of the hazards of IQ testing even if it were accurate. A person with a low IQ score could simply keep learning after others of YOUR KIND stopped and would soon out strip them in knowledge and education.

AND AGAIN REPEATING FOR YOUR SLOW ABSORPTION: If you had any ideas or knowledge of merit, they would stand on their own and not need to be shored up by your likely inflated IQ score or your freshly printed stack of diplomas!

As I predicted, you did not get it! And probably still don't.

No,... sir with all do respect, yes that is a copy of what was stated. In said statment, where does it say this is exactly what jobs you can have or attain with your given IQ scores. It is a generalized statment refering to the types of jobs that given intelligences have. I learned this IQ scheme from Dr. Jordan Peterson. Some of this I already knew, kinda like an Asfab test for the military. I might have spelled it wrong. But what ever your score decides what you can do in the military.

Ok... now.... IQ can be assessed at any age. Most who take Mesna IQ test are in high school or college. I know a guy with now college education. Was injured, unemployed with a family at like 38. Through dissability and workforce agency he took a test and did very well. Went back to school became a doctor, surgeon, they paid.

With all due respect... i didnt go to college till I was 30. I do not own a Tv, i work on Art or Research on a daily basis. Polymath is a good term to describe me, Renaissance man might be better. I had a reading speed on average between 900 and 1200 wpm, 1600 on good days. I have a full grown catarct on my left eye, so my reading has slowed due to adjustment.

I learn on a daily basis, i spend 2 to 3 hours a day just on news from all over the world. I have tons of ideas and knowledge of merit. Just take a look. Challenge what you like but do the research as I have done. I have written exstensively on here.

Its not global warming moron, we are going through a pole shift. All electromagnetic fields are going to be off. Weather is going through drastic changes. Thats my guess since 2008. No i do not have time for details, im on a phone, quite arduous. But I do love details, pedantic.

Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of Ignorance- Albert Einstein.

Yes anybody can learn, for the most part humans learn through a prossess called Social Cognitive Inference, all animals have to infer what is being learned "spacially" from the environment. Thus we get the acquisition of language.

I am also ambidextrious.

Let us continue.

@Etre No, I don't think I need to continue with you. Your claims speak for themselves.

Have a good day!

Moron. Claims..... i love ignorance!!!


Well I wouldn't want to generalize, but I essentially agree with your opinion. Most people that lack fluid intellect will hide behind a number to make themselves seem more intelligent.



Given that 100 is defined as average, slightly over 50% of people have triple-digit IQs. Only someone who either doesn't know or doesn't understand what "average" means would brag about a triple-digit IQ.


Nah, we don't give it any thought and just accept it for what it is.


IQ tests only measure part of what makes us human. IQ is way over rated.


100 is not only a triple digit IQ, it's also average.

I’ve had arguments with people that say the average IQ is 80 or something. It’s 100. It’s always going to be 100.

@indirect76 if with whom you've argued say that the average IQ is 80, I'd say that is incorrect. But if they are saying that the average IQ is 80, I would agree as most of humanity are doofuses.

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