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What Super-power Would You Choose?

This probably isn't an original question, but:

Pick your super power. Or, what the hell, a combination. Flight? Super strength? Speed? Control over time? Name it.

Personally, I think invisibility might be a very liberating power. And think of the potential careers in the intelligence field. Free admission to sports and movies.

Then again, how about super-intelligence? You can invent devices that give you all the other powers, Tony Stark style.

Let's hear it, super-fans!

Paul4747 8 June 22

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Immortality and time travel....


Flight, intangibility, precognition, regeneration and perfect metabolism. LOL?


My first pick would be the ability to copy and paste skills and knowledge from one person to another. A complete college education and 10 years of work experience in 30 seconds? Done. For a whole room of students.

Second pick would be the ability to teleport things any distance. We could have a working Moon base built inside a week, and I could make a fortune working for shipping companies.

Invisibility is a trap - if people can't see you, there's nothing to stop them from running into/over you. Not so bad in an office, pretty terrible in an intersection.


X ray vision


The power to put words into other peoples mouths so they think that is what they just said for themselves - I might start with Donald Trump.

jacpod Level 8 June 26, 2018

I’d go with eternal youth and make bank in stock exchanges.


I would love the ability to solve world problems like gun violence, climate change, hunger, poverty, sexism, racism and war.

Very funny!

@LiterateHiker great choice

In other words, be a benevolent deity, such as most religions claim, only you would actually be benevolent?


Teleportation. Could also be used as an alternative to invisibility; Just beam up and "disappear".


Flight, the freedom to travel anywhere and float on a cushion of air above the chaos of life


Flight, the freedom to travel anywhere and float on a cushion of air above the chaos of life


Mind reading.


Pooping gold nuggets




I’d choose invisibility. I’d like to get around without being seen.

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