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Does the lack of beleif in an afterlife bring you fear or comfort?

I find some peace in knowing that it will all be over at some point but it does feel a bit disappointing knowing that I shall eventually totally cease to exist.

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RoboGraham 8 Dec 30

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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No afterlife means I ain't goin to Hell. That was one of my greatest fears (no, more like a certainty) when I was growing up.


I should clarify my fear is not of there being no afterlife-my fear is of facing death again. I've done it three times in last eight years-car accident, leukemia and heart failure. The pain and loss of control of your body functions is what scares me. Been there done that.


Neither. I don't even think about it. Except when answering questions like this.


In the end, all we are is a collection of energy in various forms. We dissipate, and regroup as something else. Best not be too judgemental.

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