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The most disgusting food!

What's the most disgusting food you ever ate or at least tasted? Back in my teens, I was invited to dinner at a Chinese friend's house, and his sweet and beautiful mom served us a lychee nut concoction. Looking at the nuts swimming in a yellowish broth made me think of extracted human eyeballs---and when I tasted the lychees, the texture was, indeed, just like what I imagined an eyeball might feel like if I bit into it! With that first nibble, I was sure I was going to vomit, but I somehow managed to keep it at bay for the duration.

RobLawrence 7 June 24

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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Olives - I hate them especially the hard green ones and anything that isnt the same texture all teh way through I hate surprises

jacpod Level 8 June 26, 2018

@RobLawrence I don't like the texture of liver or cheese but I do like melted cheese


I’m embarrassed to say I’m a hazer or a humzer (Arabic) and l honestly can think of only a few things: poi, okra( sorry Southerners), shellfish(not allergies, their shit eaters), ... now that’s sad only 3 item immediately come to mind. Those to strange words mean pig!!!!!!

@RobLawrence your fight irk is quite safeunder very clean conditions. As for hx. Semitic people thro observation and early scientific method mear1000 years ago discover the pig transmitted for type of disease and Kuranic/ Talmudic laws made pig eating a violation. Interestingly they had observed Christians getting seriously sick after eating pig in Judea/Palistine. I don’t like eating beef, I’m found of the beasts


Fresh raw MONKEY BRAIN scooped from the skull...

Ungod Level 6 June 26, 2018

Be careful with rare monkey brains loaded with serious bacteria

@Millerski25 I'll try to remember that and that ketchup goes good with everything!

@RobLawrence HIV came from experiments done by the founders of the polio vaccine...

Somewhere in Afroland they were using chimpanzee internal organs.

They deny this of course, but the Afro help they were using told a different story.

And they were the ones who got the organs... From the Chimps!

@RobLawrence yes


Human meat...

Ungod Level 6 June 26, 2018


That’s what they told me it was.

I’ve been around!

And we’ve all eaten a litte SHIT in our lives, just check the reports...


I can't stand fish or seafood. I hate organ meat and broccoli. Also, it isn't food, but I can't stand alcohol of any kind. Beer, wine, all mixed drinks. It's all so disgusting.

I clear we are going out to dinner together

@pepperjones you can have my share of it. I'm a good person to date, go out with, party with, because I don't drink. I have fun, and I can drive after being out all evening.


I rather like lychee fruit, though I'm unsure of the way you had it prepared (which sounds like it was the dried fruit, added to some other ingredients). I just like the plain, fresh fruit itself, which is quite sweet, though it is a rather firm, smooth-textured food (when peeled, of course), and that might not appeal to some people.

I've had a few foods I really don't like over the years, but I'm going with canned beets as my least favorite any time recently. I never liked them, but thought a couple of years ago that I'd give them another try, that somehow being an adult would make me appreciate beets more and take into account how healthy they are to eat, and found I hated them at least as much as I did when growing up. I can tolerate fresh beets, but still have to force myself.


I went to a traditional Jewish Dinner and had the disgusting gefilte fish. I couldn't do it. Lol

I can tell you .... must acquire a taste but at a Jewish or Italian table you better duck if you refuse their hospitality... you get an oops upside the head

@Millerski25 I was definitely respectful. They are great people.


I don't like lamb... I don't care billions of jews and muslims disagree with me. Possible dogs and cats will not be to my taste also.

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