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If atheists had a holiday, what would that holiday look like?

Would it have a theme?
How would we celebrate the holiday?
what day or month would it be on?
get creative!

People say if it weren't for religion we do not have holidays. I disagree.
plus religious people have a few holidays, why can't we?

RatNinja 4 Dec 30

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I don't know what day but I wanna go with March and add in more drinking!! And food!


I think we should have Separation of Church and State Day on Jefferson's B-day.
As for the celebration- a good ole fashion political protest followed by heavy drinking and a night of vigorous sinning while taking the lords name in vain.


In Atheopaganism, we've got 8 of them!


Your family picnic/ camping.


I would suggest two holidays, the Winter and Summer solstices. These are events that actually happen. That would be plenty. Celebrate with food and drink. If you want to give gifts, make an act of direct action kindnesss.No need to waste money on overhead for charities.


My favourite holiday is still christmas. I don't care what they call it, I enjoy it for what it is


Probably like any other holiday full of commercialism and consumerism, drinking, over eating and sports events.


How about Thanksgiving?! We celebrate the Winter Solstice in a big way and recognize the fun old druid customs. There is also Richard Dawkins day. Actually all of the Christian celebrations are based on ancient rituals which they appropriated to force their belief on cultures. Those holidays look like all the rest and can be celebrated by leaving magical beings completely out of it.


Lots of baby eating, blood drinking and crazy orgies. You know how we are? Lol


Berlin Love Fest comes to mind. Just trying to help out... I am retired... I been living on a Holiday. Storage in Jacksonville FL and Las Vegas NV.


just a quiet day, which is what I was doing when all were rushing around 'doing/buying /rejoicing' in Chrimble. If a longer holiday , this atheist woul choose Scandiwegia.


Beltaine!!!!!! Or Samhain! Imbolc, anyone!


I have on in December, it started on the 23rd ( this year) when my family started to get together because we all had vacation days! It's still going until January 3rd when we all have to go back to work. Its called "WINTER VACATION"


I was told not to swear on here.... so the 'Gosh darn it nonsense Im over work so I am leaving for Tahiti for 2 weeks holiday. whenever you feel like taking it

Sacha Level 7 Dec 31, 2017

your 'gosh darn it nonsense don't work for me but the 2 weeks holiday is accepted!!!


An empty room


I do what i like to do when i can

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