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Where do we go from here.

This question is really for the conservatives on this site. I don't really understand how you can be a conservative and an atheist at the same time but it is not my place to judge so I wont. My question is this. Now that justice Kennedy is retiring and Trump will definitely appoint a conservative justice it is more than likely that the supreme court, over the next two years, will overturn:

  1. Roe vs. Wade
  2. Gay rights and marriage equality
  3. Voting rights protections for minorities

We are already seeing a huge swing to the right since Gorsuch was seated.
Can you as a conservative make a rational argument (non theistically based) for reversing the progress we have made in civil rights. Remember now when a right is taken Away it is a reversal of that person's rights. I am curious. I honestly believe the Republican party is driven by radical conservative Christians and they intend to take the rights of women, minorities, labor unions and a whole lot more. I understand them because they are insane. I want to know if there is an atheist out there who has rational arguments for what is happening.

Ciravolostone 6 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Rational argument, no.

Your poignant observation does evoke the tragic (obscene waste/abuse etc) from the movie Evita.


I would say it would all of the above. I feel we are so screwed all those republicans in office. We need more independents in office for major change in the right direction.


Nope! You're right they are insane. No intelligent American can legitimately claim to be a REAL Christian (any variety) and yet support the divisive, illegal, lying (so far more than 3,000 lies from trump alone), and immoral behavior he exhibits. And, no I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent, I think, and I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans.




I am a "classical liberal" atheist. I recognize that liberalism has been hijacked by the regressive leftists. Therefore, I support many of the same issues which are traditionally considered to be conservative. Until the "liberal" left recognizes and rejects regressive leftism, many free-thinking rational liberals will continue (reluctantly) to support the conservative agenda.

1: How can you, as an Atheist, not appreciate the danger in being taken over by Theocrats? They are exactly, exactly, what the Taliban is and it pains me that an Atheist would not see this as our largest national threat.

@Ciravolostone Apologies. To answer the only question you asked: from a conservative viewpoint, there would be no justification for reversing civil rights improvements.

@rainmanjr Yes. The theocrats are becoming EXACTLY what the founding fathers were fleeing from. It grinds my gears that they will speak about founding fathers and what this country was built in in one breath and use the bible to back their stance in the next.

@Ciravolostone But the biggest reason to reject the GOP is their stance on religion. That is enough, boy fella. Keep your hug and just go do something to yourself.


I've never heard a republican debate w out using Christianity for crib notes. From what I can see the only give a damn about themselves and use their god as a manipulation factor. ?


I'll tell you where I'm goin from here.


Prime minister Trudeau will protect me with his firm glutes of justice

I'm packing w you

Turdeau and Trump. Two winners.

@OlderMusicGeek cold puts out fire lol

@OlderMusicGeek, @PBuck0145 how dare you compare the two

@OlderMusicGeek The cold had a good deal to do with their developments. People have to rely on each other to make it through such Winters. That became their politics and it’s worked. Partially, maybe mostly, because they’ve not had to fund massive army’s. There is some logic in the idea that we created them and, now, they’re lower prices (due to the company no longer having to provide medical or educational benefits) have created a trade mess. We really can’t win.

@LadyAlyxandrea Neither can be trusted to keep their promises.

...& deep pockets filled by the oil corporations, yeah he is so dreamy.

FYI You misspelled wiener.


I doubt seriously if the Supreme Court does what you predict. Even if it did, the world would not end.
Not all conservatives are religious fanatics. Many conservatives think that the balance of power between the states and the federation should be honored and maintained as prescribed by the US constitution.

@Ciravolostone I’ll bet there aren’t many. People have become too damned comfortable and aren’t willing to actually revolt. That would be the only remedy for the kind of (check)mate they’re (Oligarchs) waging. SMH I think we’re fucked..

@Ciravolostone IMO the first two items are social issues not mentioned in the constitution. Those issues should never have been decided by court edict. Those issues should have been addressed either by our elected delegates, by the population at large, or just left to the states.

Even if a future court overturns those two decisions the world will not end for women nor for LBGT’s. People will adapt, and they will campaign for the needed laws rather than do an end run via courts.

So far as voting, the right to vote is one of our basic rights and is protected by the constitution. I really don’t get your statement about Blacks. At no time since Reconstruction have Blacks been forbidden to vote. Requiring picture ID is not the same as forbidding anyone to vote. What decision are you expecting that will deny people the vote?

The sky is not falling.

@WilliamFleming it’s appalling how much privilege you’re oozing here. Utterly appalling. You have to be screwing with us. You cannot be for real. You write like a psychopath. Utterly unfeeling. It doesn’t affect you so you don’t give a shit? How indecent and offensive.

@FreethoughtKaty You are not addressing anything that I wrote. What Supreme Court decision are you expecting will take away people’s right to vote?

How far would you go in letting the Supreme Court take over the running of this country? The conservative position is that issues should be decided in the legislature. What do you find wrong about that? Isn’t that what democracy is about, voting?

Under no system can every faction have its own way—its impossible. The responsible course is one of mediation, compromise, and accommodation.


What this really means is that progressives can no longer rely on the court to protect their Civil Liberties. Also, Republican state leaders can no longer say, "we can't do it because of the SCOTUS." The reality is that with the exception of the over 62 age group, all of the other age groups are pretty progressive: pro choice, pro gay rights, less evangelical. So the question will be this: Will the younger demographics actually show up and vote to prevent states from passing these new laws?

@Ciravolostone I am speaking of the larger demographic group, not about individuals (Bernie is over 70). However, every survey on different social topics show the over 62 demographic opposing gay marriage, interracial marriage, more pro-life and far more evangelical in their Christian beliefs, than the younger demographics. The only progressive causes the over 62 demographic seem to support is Medicare and Social Security. 🙂

@Ciravolostone I went and looked up the various surveys on this topic. First, 62 is in the Boomer group and is treated distinctly from the oldest group (73 and older). So, I was not very precise using the age 62 figure. However, in every reputable survey there is a very consistent theme. As you go up the age they become more religious and less tolerant to gay marriage. Interestingly, although this is also true with abortion rights, the differential is not as extreme. Although support for abortion goes down as you progress through the age group, it is a smaller slope. I am not trying to make statistics fit my narrative. This is pretty logical stuff. People born in 1960 were raised in a very very different environment that people raised in the 2000s.


You are missing the obvious my friend. Conservative do NOT think like Liberals and simple do not agree on how liberals think this country, or the world, should be run or who should be allowed to be here and participate.

As a conservative, I agree with your statement.

@Ciravolostone If that was directed at me, I am a bleeding heart Liberal and just giving my opinion on the Conservative brain and thinking. Of course "todays" Conservatives think that only Conservatives should be allowed to exist and participate. I do not think they have always thought that way. Just my opinion.


I'm in the union and what's wrong with being a conservative atheist

Qiru Level 6 June 27, 2018

This is a wonderful question and I really want to follow the responses. I'm a liberal so I can't weigh in except to say this is a very dark time in our country.

Same here, on all counts.


Too much partisan "group identity" politics. Time to return to the grass-roots. "Ordinary" Americans appear to have more wisdom than do the politicians in power.

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