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Do you taunt the religious?

Not in a mean and vicious way, but in a snarky, humorous way. I'm curious.

Redcupcoffee 7 Dec 31

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I taunted some fundies back in mid 80's ... hundreds of anti-abortion - anti-birth control people were in front of Planned Parenthood. Me and my companions were across the street. We had signs that read "Welcome Clinic Bombers" and "Barefoot and Pregnant is Fun". We chanted "Blow your whistle and toot your horn - we love kids UNTIL they're born!" and "Who me? I'm no queer - I have a baby EVERY year!" Some of the protestors came to us and told us that we were "sluts" and Daughters of the Devil" and "Tools of Satan". Then we sang "Every Sperm Is Sacred".

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 31, 2017

I've long wished to troll events like this with a bullhorn. With all the nutters out there who are armed though it takes a very brave individual to do such things!
If I were alone in the world I totally would tho.

Guerilla stickering/postering sounds more my speed these days.

They deserved every taunt.

This is a case of the oposition throwing the first punch. Once the oposition throws the first punch, all bets are off.

It really depends. I am usually a smartass anyways. I love having fun with religious people. I guess everyone needs an imaginary friend to turn to . lol


There was a Catholic Church that kept an office in my building. Over the holiday season I happily returned their "merry Christmas" greeting with Happy Yule Seasons and Happy Winter Solstice wishes. They also got a regular Blessed Be in return for their God bless you!


Never, like taunting an infant for not being able to walk.


I sometimes like to poke them with a stick. 🙂

Funny....very funny!! Once I poked a Christian and he started throwing his poo at me. Proving are connection to lower primates.


i gave up about 30 years ago.....countless arguments with friends and family and never once "converted" can use science and logic and common sense til you're blue in the face but they won't budge (sigh)

huey Level 3 Dec 31, 2017

I did.....


Not the average christian on the street. They rarely place themselves in the position to justify playing with them. Doorknockers are fair game any time. They get the full treatment, and no, it's not mean. They get taken for quite a ride. The street preachers are a special case and they, along with street missionaries, get raked over the coals....

Love it 😉


I put a crucifix on a string and dangle it over Christians' heads so they'll jump for it like a kitten going after yarn. 😉

Gotta try that...


For me, it's open season on religitards. They usually end up giving up on me with ad hominem attacks which show them for what they are. The reason behind why I tangle with them is the lurkers. The ones with their mind half made-up. The ones looking to be convinced one way or the other.

I'll be disrespectful back to someone dishing it out, yet can hold my own with logic and common sense. What I like is making an open display of their belief when they don't have an ounce of evidence to back up their claims. Just recently I had a fundie say that god's murder of first-borns in Egypt was cool.

Mic drop

...just a note.. I appreciate about everything you post ..but having worked with, thus advocated for ‘cognitively delayed’ or ‘retarded children,’ I find the term “religitard,” as well as the wrong-wing’s use of “libtard” offensive, as the base word is obviously ‘retard.’ ...I get it.. and appreciate your passion ..but have stopped short of giving you the thumbs up you most often deserve due to that one ‘word’ 🙂


Good question. Taunt, no. But I won't take any crap from them either. I don't look for arguments with religionists, but they'd best not give me attitude, 'cause if they do they're going down. You know, "bring your guns Jim, you've got a fight comin', comin' today" kind of thing. To say I'm direct with religionists with attitude would be an understatement. On the other hand if they are reasonable, show that they have thought about their religion and what they believe, then I'm happy to engage in a like manner. Door knocking evangees get no latitude. I regard them as fraudsters.

Yes. If they start trying to convert me, I show no mercy!


I only taunt them when they proselytize at my front door. They are asking for it, as I see it. And they are SOOOOO easy to spot. I tell them I'll give them 5 minutes to tell me about their god if they give me equal time to push my atheism. They always agree, because they are desperate to take ANY opening. But I then tell them we'd both be wasting our time and politely close the door on them. I'm not proud of the joy I take in this little game.

Gary Level 4 Jan 4, 2018

Not unless they refuse to stop prosletyzing. After that, I’m less than understanding.


No-different strokes for different folks.


Not as long as they don't taunt me.


No - no point really. They have a right to their disillusioned state ...


I fault religious leadx\ers and demagogues.


When I am with another atheist or agnostic, I might be a little dismissive of religion, but I don't taunt. Who knows, I could be wrong.

PEGUS Level 5 Dec 31, 2017

Only in my head... I guess I judge not taunt. I see no point in hitting that bees nest. All they do is freak out and try to sting you.


I do, yes.


And the street preachers with their hate speech signs and megaphones, yes, absolutely! They come out gunning for it and are deserving targets.


IF 'taunting' means earnestly trying to explain to them that their belief systems are erroneous and unfounded, then yes I'll admit that I do taunt them in some way.
But I see it more as my Human Duty to try to get them to see that Reality IS the only thing that we, as humans, have and that mythology/religion is really only a disguised version of escapism.


i live in a small southern 'red' town, so I am careful what I say and to whom I speak. I was raised Southern Baptist, so I understand these people and how they just stopped thinking and studying and became passive and scientifically ignorant when it came to religion. They are comfortable in their beliefs and I do not try very hard to dissuade them. It can't be done, I don't think.

PEGUS Level 5 Dec 31, 2017

I like to taunt them with kindness. I like to innocently ask them questions they can't answer.


No, I do not taunt them or tease them but I do make them think and they never bother me again.. What pleasure can be derived from shooting fish in a barrel?


some times.



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